英文原版英語寫作輔導書 Writing for IELTS 柯林斯雅思寫作 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
書名:Writing for IELTS 雅思寫作
作者:Anneli Williams
商品尺寸:18.8 x 1.1 x 24.5 cm
雅思考試(IELTS)的全稱是International English Language Testing System(國際英語語言測試係統),是一種為打算到使用英語的國傢學習、工作或定居的人們設置的英語水平考試。考試分聽、說、讀、寫四個部分,總分9分。Writing for IELTS《雅思寫作》專攻雅思考試的寫作闆塊,幫助學生熟悉考試流程及考試技巧,從容應試。這本適閤CEFR歐洲共同語言標準英語B1級及以上讀者使用,相當於英語專業低年級學生或雅思4.0-5.0分、英語中級程度的讀者。
Writing for IELTS is designed to develop essential IELTS writing skills such as describing charts and graphs, expressing opinions and arguing a case in an essay.
Learners benefit from
·units covering the key stages of the writing process
·full model answers
·model essays with commentary explaining why they would attract a high score
·exam tips and test practice in every unit
·topic-based vocabulary work
·a full IELTS Writing test.
Written by an experienced IELTS tutor, the 12 units provide materials for approximately 50 hours of study. The book can be used in class or for self-study.
With Collins Writing for / EL TS, learners get the score they need in IELTS.
第二部分共包含十二個單元。前十一個單元中,每個單元都有一個核心主題。十一個單元分步講解瞭寫作的整個過程,涵蓋瞭寫作的所有關鍵步驟。此外,前十一個單元中,每個單元都分為三個闆塊:詞匯、練習、考試演練。其中,詞匯部分介紹瞭與單元主題相關的詞匯以及寫作高頻詞匯和錶達。練習部分則提供瞭Task 1和Task 2的分步練習,常用錶達和語法形式也予以瞭重點標注。考試演練部分則提供瞭與雅思寫作真題相類似的習題,便於考生學以緻用。第十二單元為一套完整的寫作模擬試題,考生可用於檢驗所學。
Writing for IELTS is divided into 12 units. Each unit focuses on a topic area that you are likely to meet in the IELTs exam. This helps you to build up a bank of vocabulary and ideas related to a variety of the topics.
Units 1-1 1 cover the key stages of the writing process everything from analyzing the task to proof-reading a completed response. Every exercise is re Levant to the test. The aims Listed at the start of each unit specify the key skills, techniques and Language covered in the unit. You work towards Unit 12, which provides a final practice IELTS Writing test.
Additionally, the book provides examination strategies telling you what to expect and how best to succeed in the test. Exam information is presented in clear, easy-to-read chunks. ‘Exam tips’ in each unit highlight essential exam techniques and can be rapidly reviewed at a glance.
Anneli Williams在英國講授大學學術英語已經超過15年,擁有豐富的雅思教學經驗。
Anneli Williams has taught English for academic purposes at university level in the UK for over 15 years, developing extensive experience assessing and preparing candidates for the IELTS examination.
1 Gender roles
2 Diet & nutrition
3 Educational goals
4 Biodiversity
5 Global English
6 The Internet
7 Consumer spending
8 Children and parents
9 An ageing population
10 Fame
10 Fame
11 The car
12 Practice test
Additional model essays
Answer key
The bar chart shows the gender distribution of students doing scientific research across a range of disciplines at a UK university in 2009.
In five of the six disciplines, males outnumbered females. Male students made up a particularly large proportion of the student group in subjects related to the study of inanimate objects and materials: physics, astronomy, and geology. The gender gap was particularly large in the field of physics, where there were five times as many male students as female students.
Men and women were more equally represented in subjects related to the study of Living things: biology, medicine, and veterinary medicine. In biology, there were nearly as many women (approximately. 200) as men (approximately 240). This was also true of medicine. Veterinary medicine was the only discipline in which women outnumbered men {roughly 110 women vs. 90 men}.
Overall, the chart shows that at this university, science-related subjects continue to be male-dominated; however, women have a significant presence in fields related to medicine and the Life sciences.
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