零基礎學好英語音標 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
《零基礎學好英語音標》該書分成“國際音標”“語音現象”“英音美音”“語音練習”四部分,對音標和語音語調進行詳盡的剖析。“國際音標”通過八步驟學習法,循序漸進,夯實基礎,讓你一次學透。“語音現象”精講瞭音節、重音、連讀、縮讀、弱讀、同化、濁化、失去爆破與不完全爆破等多種語音的發音規則,並通過名著選段進行跟讀練習,助你一次學好發音。“英音美音” 從發音、拼寫和語調等方麵詳細闡述瞭英音和美音的區彆。“語音練習” 精心選取名著片段,讓讀者在品讀經典的同時,將所學的語音語調知識融會貫通、學以緻用。
Part1 國際音標
Unit 1 元音
元音列錶……………………………………… 7
元音分類……………………………………… 7
要點精析……………………………………… 7
? Unit 2 輔音
輔音列錶…………………………………… 54
輔音分類…………………………………… 54
Part 2 語音現象
? Unit 1 音節
音節的構成與分類…………………………… 126
音節的劃分規則……………………………… 128
? Unit 2 重音
單詞…………………………………………… 130
句子…………………………………………… 133
? Unit 3 連讀
元音+元音 ………………………………… 137
輔音+元音 ………………………………… 138
r/re + 元音 …………………………………… 139
? Unit 4 縮讀
係動詞………………………………………… 141
助動詞………………………………………… 142
情態動詞……………………………………… 143
常用詞………………………………………… 144
? Unit 5 弱讀
冠詞…………………………………………… 145
介詞…………………………………………… 146
連詞…………………………………………… 147
人稱代詞……………………………………… 149
係動詞………………………………………… 150
助動詞………………………………………… 151
情態動詞……………………………………… 152
? Unit 6 同化
[t]+[j]→[t?] ………………………………… 153
[d]+[j]→[d?]………………………………… 154
[s]+[j]→[?] ……………………………………155
[z]+[j]→[?] ……………………………………156
? Unit 6 同化
[t]+[j]→[t?] ………………………………… 153
[d]+[j]→[d?]………………………………… 154
[s]+[j]→[?] …………………………………… 155
[z]+[j]→[?] …………………………………… 156
? Unit 7 濁化
[p]→[b] ……………………………………… 157
[t]→[d] ……………………………………… 158
[k]→[g] ……………………………………… 160
? Unit 8 失去爆破與不完全爆破
爆破音[p][b][t][d][k][g]前後相鄰 ……… 161
[p][b][t][d][k][g]+[m][n] ………………… 162
[p][b][t][d][k][g]+[f][v][s][z][?][?][θ][ð][r][h] 163
[p][b][t][d][k][g]+[t?][d?] ………………… 164
[p][b][t][d][k][g]+[l] ……………………… 165
Part 3 英音美音
? Unit 1 發音
字母…………………………………………… 168
元音…………………………………………… 168
輔音…………………………………………… 168
重音…………………………………………… 168
? Unit 2 拼寫
簡化…………………………………………… 169
異形…………………………………………… 170
異詞…………………………………………… 170
? Unit 3 語調
語調異同細辨析……………………………… 172
要點驚解析…………………………………… 172
疑問句………………………………………… 172
祈使句………………………………………… 173
感嘆句………………………………………… 173
Part 4 語音練習
? Unit 1 對話 …………………………… 175
? Unit 2 文段 …………………………… 220
? Unit 3 篇章 …………………………… 257
[?] 發音時,上下唇自然張開,嘴巴張大,
[?:] 發音時,雙唇收的更圓更小,舌前部
o bottle、clock、cock、frog、lock、stop、sitcom
a want、wash、watch、what、whatever、waffle
au because、cauliflower、laurel
ow knowledge、knowledgeable
元音字母a water、Montreal、Nepal、palsy
au August、author、autumn、caught、daughter、taught、cause、fault、applaud
aw(e) awful、draw、flaw、lawyer、haw、overawe、paw、pawn
oar board、roar、oarsman、oar、plasterboard、plugboard、soar
oor door、moor、doorstep、doorman、floorboard、outdoor、floor
or corner、fork、horse、pork、storm、matador、landform
ore before、bore、fore、more、pore、omnivore、eyesore、sore
al all、call、chalk、hall、talk、mall、meatball、nightfall、walk
ar war、ward、warm、warn、reward、sward、warbler、wardrobe、postwar
ou brought、fought、bought、thought、ought、pour
column [?k?l?m] n. 列,縱隊 ecological [?i:k??l?d??kl] adj. 生態學的
electronic [??lek?tr?n?k] adj. 電子的 exotic [?ɡ?z?t?k] adj. 異國風情的;外來的
hospital [?h?sp?tl] n. 醫院;收容所 improper [?m?pr?p?(r)] adj. 不閤適的,不正當的
knock [n?k] n. 敲擊聲;敲門 modern [?m?dn] adj. 近代的;新式的
object [??bd??kt] n. 賓語;客體 sorry [?s?r?] adj. 遺憾的;對不起的
commoner [?k?m?n?(r)] n. 平民;下議院議員 novice [?n?v?s] n. 新手;初學者
coffin [?k?f?n] n. 棺材,靈柩 immoral [??m?r?l] adj. 不道德的,邪惡的
equality [??kw?l?t?] n. 同等,平等
border [?b?:d?(r)] n. 邊界vt. 給……鑲邊 divorce [d??v?:s] n. 離婚vt. 與( 某人) 離婚
immortal [??m?:tl] adj. 不朽的,不死的n. 流芳百世的人
dormant [?d?:m?nt] adj. 休眠的,蟄伏的 editorial [?ed??t?:r??l] n. 社論
call [k?:l] vt. 喊叫;打電話給 daughter [?d?:t?(r)] n. 女兒adj. 女兒般的
drawback [?dr?:bæk] n. 缺點 nausea [?n?:z??] n. 惡心,作嘔
doorman [?d?:m?n] n. 門童 floor [fl?:(r)] n. 地闆;樓層
roar [r?:(r)] vi. 喧鬧;咆哮vt. 大聲喊齣 store [st?:(r)] n. 商店;倉庫vt. 存儲
galore [g??l?:(r)] adj. 大量的,豐富的 corn [k?:n] n. 玉米;榖物
? The little pottery jar on the gas cooker is soon getting hot. 煤氣竈上的小瓦罐很快變熱瞭。
? The little boy wants to eat a hot dog. 這個小男孩想吃一個熱狗。
? I went into a clock shop to buy a new clock for her. 我走進一傢錶店給她買瞭一塊新錶。
? The boy took out one dollar from his pocket and gave it to the old man.
? Her son was born four years ago. 她的兒子是四年前齣生的。
? His daughter read the book all the morning. 他的女兒整個早上都在讀書。
? I saw there was a small ball on the floor. 我看見地闆上有一個小球。
? Don't drink raw water. There are many germs in it. 不要飲用生水。裏麵有許多細菌。
Mary is my best friend. Her birthday is coming. I want to buy a present for her but I have no idea what will be a good present. In the end, I decide to buy a clock for her. Because I know that her clock stopped working. When I come out from the clock shop, I plan to buy a hot dog and a bottle of coffee beans. Just then I find there is a poor man in the street. I take out three US dollars from my pocket and give it to him.
Wendy was born in autumn four years ago. Because of the doctor's fault, her mother died when she was born. Her father was always so busy that he ignored her. She lived with her grandparents. She had no friends and became a solitary person. Her grandfather raised a horse called Bonnie. It was her only friend.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all
going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of
its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree
of comparison only.
——選自A Tale of Two Cities 《雙城記》
? I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
? Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your
smile. 即使在你傷心的時候也不要皺眉,因為你永遠不知道誰會愛上你的笑容。
? Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
? Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't
love you with all they have.
——選自Love 《愛情》
? I don't know who is more pleased at your being here, Mama or Mr. Bingley.
? Either you are in each other's confidence and you have secret affairs to discuss, or you are
conscious that your figures appear to the greatest advantage by walking.
? Indeed, much more rational, but rather less like a ball.
? I've often observed to Lady Catherine that her daughter seemed born to be a duchess, for she
has all the superior graces of elevated rank.
我經常觀察凱瑟琳女士,她的女兒具有所有上層人物的高貴優雅,好像天生就是一個公爵夫 零基礎學好英語音標 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
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