泛函分析(英文版 第2版) (美)Walter Rudin|15906 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
書[0名0]: | 泛函分析(英文版 [0第0]2版)|15906 |
圖書定價: | 42元 |
圖書作者: | (美)Walter Rudin |
齣版社: | 機械工業齣版社 |
齣版日期: | 2003/12/1 0:00:00 |
ISBN號: | 711113415x |
開本: | 16開 |
頁數: | 424 |
版次: | 1-1 |
內容簡介 |
泛函分析是分析數[0學0]中“年輕”的分支,在各個[0領0]域均有著廣泛應用。本書是泛函分析的經 典教材。作為Rudin的分析[0學0]經典著作之一,本書秉承瞭內容精練、結構清晰的特點。[0第0]2版新 增的內容有Kakutani不動點定理、Lamo[0no0]sov不變子空間定理以及遍曆定理等。另外,還適[0當0]增 加瞭一些例子和習題。 |
目錄 |
Preface Part I General Theory 1 Topological Vector Spaces Introduction Separation properties Linear mappings Finite-dimensional spaces Metrization Boundedness and continuity Semi[0no0]rms and local convexity Quotient spaces Examples Exercises Completeness Baire category The Banach-Steinhaus theorem The open mapping theorem The closed graph theorem Bilinear mappings Exercises 3 Convexity The Hahn-Banach theorems Weak topologies Compact convex sets Vector-valued integration Holomorphic functions Exercises 4 Duality in Banach Spaces The [0no0]rmed dual of a [0no0]rmed space Ad joints Compact operators Exercises 5 Some Appl_ications A continuity theorem Closed subspaces of LP-spaces The range of a vector-valued measure A generalized Stone-Weierstrass theorem Two interpolation theorems Kakutani's fixed point theorem Haar measure on compact groups Uncomplemented subspaces Sums of Poisson kernels Two more fixed point theorems Exercises Part II Distributions and Fourier Transforms 6 Test Functions and Distributions Introduction Test function spaces Calculus with distributions Localization Supports of distributions Distributions as derivatives Convolutions Exercises 7 Fourier Transforms Basic properties Tempered distributions Paley-Wiener theorems Sobolev's lemma Exercises 8 Applications to Differential Equations Fundamental solutions Elliptic equations Exercises 9 Tauberian Theory Wiener's theorem The prime number theorem The renewal equation Exercises Part III Banach Algebras and Spectral Theory 10 Banach Algebras Introduction Complex homomorphisms Basic properties of spectra Symbolic calculus The group of invertible elements Lomo[0no0]sov's invariant subspace theorem Exercises 11 Commutative Banach Algebras Ideals and homomorphisms Gelfand transforms Involutions Applications to [0no0]ncommutative algebras Positive functionals Exercises 12 Bounded Operators on a Hilbert Space Basic facts Bounded operators A commutativity theorem Resolutions of the identity The spectral theorem Eigenvalues of [0no0]rmal operators Positive operators and square roots The group of invertible operators A characterization of B*-algebras An ergodic theorem Exercises 13 Unbounded Operators Introduction Graphs and symmetric operators The Cayley transform Resolutions of the identity The spectral theorem Semigroups of operators Exercises Appendix A Compactness and Continuity Appendix B [0No0]tes and Comments Bibliography List of Special Symbols Index |
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