英文原版 The Little House 小房子 [平裝] [4-8歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
作 者:Virginia Lee Burton 繪 者:Virginia Lee Burton 齣 版 社:Houghton Mifflin 裝 幀:平裝 頁 數:44 語 言: 英語 尺 寸:22.8 x 0.7 x 24.1cm ISBN :9780395259382 |
"Once upon a time there was a Little House way out in the country. She was a pretty Little House and she was strong and well built." So begins Virginia Lee Burton's classic The Little House, winner of the prestigious Caldecott Medal in 1942. The rosy-pink Little House, on a hill surrounded by apple trees, watches the days go by, from the first apple blossoms in the spring through the winter snows. Always faintly aware of the city's distant lights, she starts to notice the city encroaching on her bucolic existence. First a road appears, which brings horseless carriages and then trucks and steamrollers. Before long, more roads, bigger homes, apartment buildings, stores, and garages surround the Little House. Her family moves out and she finds herself alone in the middle of the city, where the artificial lights are so bright that the Little House can no longer see the sun or the moon. She often dreams of "the field of daisies and the apple trees dancing in the moonlight." Finally a woman recognizes her and whisks the Little House back to the country where she belongs, they will rejoice. For generations, young readers have been delighted by the whimsical, detailed drawings and happy ending. 小房子每天站在山岡上看風景,除瞭日月星辰和四季的變化,小房子還看到鄉村的景物隨著挖馬路、開商店、蓋高樓、通地下鐵……而一點一點地改變。結果,小雛菊和蘋果樹不見瞭,取而代之的是都市的烏煙瘴氣和行色匆匆的人們。還好,小房子的主人的後代發現瞭小房子,把她移到瞭鄉下,她又可以靜靜地欣賞大自然的風景瞭。 |
Virginia Lee Burton (August 30, 1909, in Newton Centre, Massachusetts – October 15, 1968) was an American illustrator and children's book author. Burton wrote and illustrated seven self-illustrated children's books, including the Caldecott Medal winning The Little House. Also known by her married name Virginia Demetrios. She died in 1968 of lung cancer.The importance of Virginia Lee Burton's work for the development of modern environmentalism is discussed in a 2011 academic article published by the Journal of Urban History. 維吉尼亞·李·伯頓 1909年生於美國馬薩諸塞州,她的父親是麻省理工學院首位教務長,母親則是一位英國詩人兼音樂傢。維吉尼亞·李·伯頓小的時候,每逢生日和聖誕節,父親送給她的禮物不是玩具,而是許多精美的繪本,也常給她讀繪本。因此,她對繪本始終保持著極大的興趣。高中畢業後,她沒有上大學,而是繼續學習繪畫和芭蕾舞,每天利用上課路上兩個多小時的時間畫速寫。離開舊金山之後,她獲得瞭一份專業素描工作,為許多優秀舞者和藝術傢留下瞭珍貴的身影。 維吉尼亞·李·伯頓用樸素的文字和明艷的水彩,謳歌瞭一幅正在遠逝的鄉村美景。——兒童文學傢 彭懿 隻要這本繪本能流傳下來,孩子們就會知道,曾經有過《小房子》一樣的生活,曾經有過那樣美麗的夢。這本書可以說是珍貴的文化遺産。——日本繪本之父 鬆居直 |
英文原版 The Little House 小房子 [平裝] [4-8歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載