design360°觀念與設計雜誌2017年10月刊總第71期360度平麵設計期刊雜誌書籍 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
ISSN 1815-9222-71
No.71 Metallic Scenery | 物象 Each piece of metal is a remarkable life. For artists and designers, each hammering is a spiritual voice and each coloring contains their infinite imagination. Metal gives us an inherent impression of coldness and hardness, but artists and designers attach new meanings to metal through deeply studying its extensibility and infinity basing on its very nature and texture. 每一塊金屬,都是一個不凡的生命。對藝術傢、設計師來說,每一下捶打都是富有靈性的聲音,每一次著色都蘊含無限的想象。冰冷、堅硬是金屬固有的印象,然而藝術傢、設計師深入探究瞭金屬的伸展性和無限性,順應金屬的本質屬性及其肌理進行創作,賦予瞭它們新的內涵。
book i | Lab 實驗場
book ii | Dialogue 對話 - 玉川堂(Gyokusendo)- Romain Langlois- Oskar Zieta
design360°觀念與設計雜誌2017年10月刊總第71期360度平麵設計期刊雜誌書籍 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書