"It's wondrous to listen to a fine reading of a long-loved novel. Leishman makes masterly use of volume, timbre and resonance to distinguish between characters and draw us into the emotional swings and vibrations of the internal musings of each. She creates not a new but a more nuanced reading, following the interwoven streams of consciousness in a British English that lends authenticity to each voice. Leishman swims smoothly through Woolf's sentences that ebb and flow with numerous parenthetical thoughts and fresh images. These passages are interspersed with quick, sharp, simple sentences that gain strength in contrast. Leishman also draws our attention to Woolf's poetic prose: her rhythms and images, her use of hard consonants in monosyllabic words in counterpoint to long, soft, dreamy words and phrases. To The Lighthouse plays back and forth between telescopic and microscopic views of nature and human nature. Mrs. Ramsey is both trapped in and pleased in her roles as wife, mother and hostess. The introspective Mr. Ramsey is consumed with his legacy of long-since-published abstract philosophy. This is a book that cannot be read—or heard—too often."
--Publishers Weekly
This is the story of a woman and her family experiencing the passage of time and seeking to recapture meaning from the flux of things. Though Mrs Ramsay's death is the event on which the novel turns, her presence pervades every page in a poetic evocation of loss and memory.
Virginia Woolf (January 1882 – 28 March 1941) was an English writer, and one of the foremost modernists of the twentieth century.
During the interwar period, Woolf was a significant figure in London literary society and a central figure in the influential Bloomsbury Group of intellectuals. Her most famous works include the novels Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927) and Orlando (1928), and the book-length essay A Room of One's Own (1929), with its famous dictum, "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction."
弗吉尼亞·伍爾夫(或譯弗吉尼亞·伍爾芙)。英國女作傢,被譽為二十世紀現代主義與女性主義的先鋒。兩次世界大戰期間,她是倫敦文學界的核心人物,同時也是布盧姆茨伯裏派(Bloomsbury Group)的成員之一。最知名的小說包括《戴洛維夫人》(Mrs. Dalloway)、《到燈塔去》(To the Lighthouse)、《雅各的房間》(Jakob's Room)。
"To the Lighthouse is one of the greatest elegies in the English language, a book which transcends time."
--Margaret Drabble
"Without question one of the two or three finest novels of the twentieth century. Woolf comments on the most pressing dramas of our human predicament: war, mortality, family, love. If you're like me you'll come back to this book often, always astounded, always moved, always refreshed."
--Rick Moody
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伍爾夫用自己的文字,描述時間 --- 幾乎是世界上最不可能的事兒:她幾乎想賦予無形的時間以有形的邊界,有時她又會放鬆手裏的墨綫,於是時間如同潮水一樣湧齣邊界,無法控製。第一部“窗”的實際時長不過一個下午一個晚上,她卻讓拉姆齊夫人遊走在自己的時間秩序裏麵。晚餐中,拉姆齊夫人迴到二十年前那個幽暗的客廳摩挲客廳的每一樣傢具,然後乘著自己的時間之船航行者二十年的時光,毫無憂慮悠悠晃晃的航行,因為“你已經知道瞭這個故事的結局”。時間被伍爾夫玩弄,塑造;其實亦是被我們玩弄和塑造,意圖塑造自己的時間秩序。拉姆齊夫人不但為自己,也為其他人鑄造這樣的永恒瞬間;比如為莉麗。莉麗與塔斯萊在海邊用石片兒打水漂,而拉姆齊夫人坐在岩石下寫信,不是從眼鏡上方舉目望他們,周圍是飛濺的浪花。毫無疑問,莉麗並不喜歡塔斯萊,但是這個瞬間,所謂永恒的瞬間永遠在莉麗腦中飛揚,哦,那飛濺的浪花。莉麗在畫布麵前不由得呼喊“拉姆齊夫人”“拉姆齊夫人”。雖然拉姆齊夫人為自己和她人試圖建築的生活的光亮球體最終會土崩瓦解,(敏泰和保羅婚姻並不幸福,安德魯在大戰中被炸死,普魯隻過瞭一年的幸福生活即難産而死,美麗的普魯;就連海島上的房子也在瓦解,被蒼蠅結網,石竹花長到白菜間,稻草長到瓦片上。而拉姆齊夫人自己業已離開人世。)但是,那些瞬間甚至在她去世之後更為明晰。正如拉姆齊夫人經營一次十五人的晚餐那樣,用力用心,然後忽的生命在這兒靜止不動瞭:“拉姆齊夫人把這個瞬間鑄成瞭某種永恒的東西(就像在另一個領域中,莉麗自己也試圖把這個瞬間塑造成某種永恒的東西)---- 這就具有某種人生啓示的性質。…生命在這兒靜止不動瞭。”拉姆齊夫人自己亦明白,所以當她離開餐廳的時候,“她逗留瞭片刻,迴首嚮餐廳望瞭一眼,當她還在注目凝視之時,剛纔的景象正在漸漸消失;當她移動身軀、挽住敏泰的手臂離開餐廳之際,它改變瞭,呈現齣不同的麵貌;她迴過頭去瞥瞭最後一眼,知道剛纔的一切,都已經成為過去瞭。”-------- 亦成為瞭“永恒”。她自己在“現代小說”中所說:“某些作傢仿佛不是齣自本願,而是受製於某個威力強大、蠻不講理的暴君 ---- 這個暴君把他置於自己的奴役之下,為他提供瞭情節,提供瞭喜劇性、悲劇性、愛情事件,還提供瞭一種貌似真實的氣氛,把全部小說潤色得無懈可擊…我們看著這些按照習慣的方式填寫得慢慢的書頁,常常感到一陣陣懷疑,一陣陣反感:難道生活真是這個樣子嗎?難道小說一定要像這樣寫嗎?”