rom the bestselling author and star of National Geographic Channel's Dog Whisperer, the only resource you’ll need for raising a happy, healthy dog.
For the millions of people every year who consider bringing a puppy into their lives–as well as those who have already brought a dog home–Cesar Millan, the preeminent dog behavior expert, says, "Yes, you can raise the perfect dog!" It all starts with the proper foundation in the early years. Here, Cesar tells you everything you need to know to create the best environment for a well-balanced dog in order to avoid behavior issues in the future, and shows you how to correct the most common behavior issues for young dogs.
Based on Cesar’s own detailed experiences raising individual puppies from some of the most popular breeds, How to Raise the Perfect Dog is like having Cesar right beside you, as your own personal expert, coaching you and your dog from the first day of your life together.
Packed with new information aimed specifically at the particular needs of puppies and adolescents, and written in Cesar's friendly, accessible style, How to Raise the Perfect Dog answers all the most commonly asked questions and guides you towards a loving, satisfying life-long relationship with your best friend.
Professsional dog behaviorist Cesar Millan ("The Dog Whisperer") claims to rehabilitate dogs and train people. Certainly, this extraordinary man has rescued hundreds of troubled canines from destruction and abandonment and taught owners the calm, assertive leadership skills needed to handle difficult, even aggressive dogs.
Millan developed his unique talents on his grandfather's farm in Mexico, where he first observed the "power of the pack" that has become the linchpin of his training techniques. (Today he maintains perfect control over a pack of up to 50 dogs, including some of the most powerful, protective, and aggressive breeds around.) At his Dog Psychology Center in Los Angeles, he receives as many as 100 calls a day from pet owners desperate to solve such extreme canine behavior problems as shyness, insecurity, jealousy, and "red zone" aggression.
The Emmy Award-nominated television program Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan debuted on the National Geographic Channel in 2004. Millan gained even more attention when he and his training techniques were featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show. In 2005, he received a special commendation from the National Humane Society Genesis Award Committee for his work in rehabilitating shelter animals. He is the author of several books on dog training -- most notably The New York Times bestseller Cesar's Way (2006) -- and has produced a line of CDs, DVDs, and training tools.
“Millan’s wizardlike facility with dogs–the calm he brings to them, the confident way he handles them–is mind-blowing.”
—Newsweek“[Millan] arrives amid canine chaos and leaves behind peace.”
—Malcolm Gladwell, The New Yorker
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How to Raise the Perfect Dog 英文原版
保爾,一個活生生的、有血有肉的熱血青年。在戰亂的時期,他沒有選擇逃避,而是選擇瞭最有利的辦法——抗戰! 在富人麵前,他沒有卑躬屈膝,他選擇挺起胸膛,讓彆人知道——窮人不是好欺負的。貧賤不能移! 在暴力麵前,他沒有低下他的頭,他選擇直麵強暴,讓彆人知道——窮人也有尊嚴。威武不能屈! 有時,我好羨慕保爾他們兩兄弟,無時無刻都是那麼的團結,沒有一點破綻。即使是與自己的利益相衝突或者是關係到自己的生命。但是,我就每那麼幸福瞭,從小,我就和哥哥“戰爭”在中度過直到他到外麵讀書。可能那是增進感情的一種方法吧。 保爾,生在一個溫馨的傢庭,交到瞭真摯的友誼,擁有此緻不渝的愛情,也算是不枉此生瞭吧,但,你有沒有想過,保爾為什麼有這樣的“成就”呢?我想,那是因為他的人格魅力,他擁有“鋼”一般的意誌、精神。 在保爾被瓦西裏神甫趕齣學校之前,他和神甫的衝突就不斷的發生,不是因為上次媽媽求情,保爾一早就被人趕齣校門瞭,自從那次以後,神甫就一直想找個機會趕保爾齣去學校,好讓自己痛快一翻。而今次正好是機會,誰也不能怪,怪的就怪自己和神甫結怨瞭吧,大傢一起乾這件事,誰也沒有事除瞭保爾,這次應該是“公報私仇”吧,不然哪能輪到保爾選中呢,他一嚮都很倒黴的。就算是他倒黴吧,媽媽也總算幫他找瞭一份工作,暫時安身吧。謝廖沙也算有點人性,在這時候,還能去安慰一下保爾,也不失為一個死黨吧。有瞭謝廖沙的安慰,保爾也安瞭心,放心去闖齣屬於他的世界。 在保爾用心工作的時候,一起工作的阿姨和同年人跟保爾也相處得很好,不過,晴天的日子總是短暫的,就在這時候,一起工作的一些工人就眼紅瞭,覺得保爾是來搶他們飯碗的,就四處刁難保爾,好讓保爾知難而退。這時候,力量的象徵--阿爾焦姆齣現瞭,他為瞭維護弟弟的利益,他那沙煲般大的拳頭就落在那幫人身上瞭。最後,保爾的利益被維護瞭,但,阿爾焦姆卻被控告傷人送進瞭監獄。如果說阿爾焦姆這樣做值得嗎?為什麼?那是簡單得不得瞭事瞭,就因為保爾是他的弟弟,兩兄弟有睏難的時候就應該挺齣胸膛,告訴他,我們不是好欺負的! 在保爾被送進監獄的時候,遇到瞭一個同年人,那是一個很漂亮的姑娘,她的每一處都深深地吸引著保爾。那個姑娘是被迫害送進監獄的,那些無恥的官兵迫害,他們想強暴她。但是,他們失敗瞭,他們受到瞭姑娘的誓死反抗,最後她被送進來瞭。姑娘在和保爾交談的時候,發現保爾是一個正人君子,她知道,如果過瞭今晚,她就會被那些可惡的官兵強暴,她寜願把身體交給保爾也不願被官兵玷汙瞭她的身體。麵對誘人的雙唇、豐滿的雙乳保爾失去瞭力量,那是無法阻擋的誘惑,但是,當她靠近的時候,保爾沒有失去理性,而是拒絕瞭她,保爾想到鼕妮亞就無法接受彆的一切,包括這誘惑。第二天,姑娘被送走瞭,她的眼裏充滿瞭水晶般的液體,既包含著失望又包含著絕望,那眼神使人難受,但是,保爾更不能背棄對鼕妮亞的承諾,因為鼕妮亞纔是保爾的唯一。坐懷不亂,足以看齣保爾對愛情的那種堅貞,這是值得讓我們現代人藉鑒的