George's Marvelous Medicine小喬治的神奇魔藥 英文原版 [平裝] [7歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
適讀人群 :7歲及以上 本書由這位世界聞名的奇幻文學大師羅爾德·達爾所著。他是一位既為成人也為孩子寫作的作傢,還曾經寫過幾部007電影劇本。其作品中多有恐怖情節和鬧劇風味,故事構思奇特、想像新穎、明快多變、富於誇張,從一開始就能打破現實與幻想之間的常規對位,給人一種或幽默、或機智、或荒誕的美感。他因其作品風格的獨樹一幟而於1952年和1954年兩度獲得“愛倫·坡文學奬”,並於後來獲得英國的“白麵包”奬,該奬評委會對其作品的評價是:“滑稽,機智,又有趣又嚇人……”到目前為止,達爾的作品在世界各地都已售齣瞭上韆萬冊。
A Taste of her own medicineGeorge's grumpy grandma needs something stronger than her usual medicine to cure her grouchiness. A special medicine, a remedy for everything. George knows just what to put in it, and he's in for the surprise of his life when he sees the results of his mixture. Annotation George decides that his grumpy, selfish old grandmother must be a witch and concocts some marvelous medicine to take care of her.
Roald Dahl was born in 1916 in Wales of Norwegian parents. He began writing after a 'monumental bash on the head', sustained as an RAF pilot during WW2. Roald Dahl is one of the most successful and well-known of all children's writers. His books include CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, THE BFG and MATILDA. Roald Dahl died in 1990 at the age of seventy-four.
Roald Dahl (1916-1990) was born in Wales of Norwegian parents. He spent his childhood in England and, at age eighteen, went to work for the Shell Oil Company in Africa. When World War II broke out, he joined the Royal Air Force and became a fighter pilot. At the age of twenty-six he moved to Washington, D.C., and it was there he began to write. His first short story, which recounted his adventures in the war, was bought by The Saturday Evening Post, and so began a long and illustrious career.
After establishing himself as a writer for adults, Roald Dahl began writing children’s stories in 1960 while living in England with his family. His first stories were written as entertainment for his own children, to whom many of his books are dedicated.
Roald Dahl is now considered one of the most beloved storytellers of our time. Although he passed away in 1990, his popularity continues to increase as his fantastic novels, including James and the Giant Peach, Matilda, The BFG, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, delight an ever-growing legion of fans.
Quentin Blake is a well-known artist whose work has made him popular on both sides of the Atlantic. He has illustrated most of Roald Dahl’s children’s books as well as many others. He lives in London, where he teaches illustration at the Royal College of Art.
羅爾德·達爾(Roald Dahl,1916年9月13日—1990年11月23日),是挪威籍的英國傑齣兒童文學作傢、劇作傢和短篇小說作傢,作品流傳於大人或小孩中,極為知名。 他比較著名的作品有:如《詹姆斯和大仙桃》、《查裏和巧剋力工廠》、《好心眼的巨人》、《女巫》、《瞭不起的狐狸爸爸》、《瑪蒂爾達》等等,其魔力超越語言和國界,同時他本人的傳奇經曆也像童話裏的人物一樣賦有神奇力量,成為“哈梅林的魔笛手”(The Pied Piper of Hamelin),凡是讀過其書的孩子全都情不自禁迷倒在他創造的暢快淋灕的魔力世界,無一幸免。
昆汀·布萊剋(Quentin Blake) 是當代英國兒童文學界最負盛名的插圖畫傢和作傢,2013年新年,80歲的他被授予爵士爵位。
早期他的插畫工作多是為成人雜誌、書籍,直到1960年纔開始與文字作者閤作,投入兒童圖畫書的插畫工作。1968年昆汀有瞭第一部自寫自畫的作品《派剋的小提琴》。1981年,他自寫自畫的作品《光腳丫先生》(Mister Magnolia)榮獲英國圖書館協會所頒發的凱特·格林納威奬。1999年對他而言更是實至名歸的一年,成為英國第一位兒童文學桂冠作傢(Children’s Laureate),2002年又獲得國際兒童讀物最高奬項:國際安徒生大奬,此外,他還獲得過惠特布雷德奬、波隆那國際兒童書展最佳童書奬等。
George's Marvelous Medicine小喬治的神奇魔藥 英文原版 [平裝] [7歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
不錯,最近一直屯的是Roald Dahl的書,好多係列基本快要屯完瞭,最近看瞭大桃子的故事,挺抓人的,用詞難度也適閤我故事情節更適閤我,畢竟我還小,我看不懂傲慢與偏見??
漂亮的皮囊韆韆萬 有趣的靈魂隻有一個 怎麼選 當然是2個都要咯
漂亮的皮囊韆韆萬 有趣的靈魂隻有一個 怎麼選 當然是2個都要咯
George's Marvelous Medicine小喬治的神奇魔藥 英文原版 [平裝] [7歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載