Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crus[刺客的信條-秘密聖戰] [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
Niccolò Polo, father of Marco, will finally reveal the story he has kept secret all his life - the story of Alta, one of the brotherhood's most extraordinary Assassins. Alta embarks on a formidable mission - one that takes him throughout the Holy Land and shows him the true meaning of the Assassin's Creed. To demonstrate his commitment, Alta must defeat nine deadly enemies, including Templar leader, Robert de Sable. Alta's life story is told here for the first time: a journey that will change the course of history; his ongoing battle with the Templar conspiracy; a family life that is as tragic as it is shocking; and the ultimate betrayal of an old friend.
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評分圖寫禽獸 畫彩仙靈 丙捨傍啓 甲帳對楹 肆筵設席 鼓瑟吹笙
評分內容簡介 'I will journey to the black heart of a corrupt Empire to root out my foes. But Rome wasn't built in a day and it won't be restored by a lone assassin. I am Ezio Auditore da Firenze. This is my brotherhood.' Rome, once mighty, lies in ruins. The city swarms with suffering and degradation, her citizens living in the shadow of the ruthless Borgia family. Only one man can free the people from the Borgia tyranny - Ezio Auditore, the Master Assassin. Ezio's quest will test him to his limits. Cesare Borgia, a man more villainous and dangerous than his father the Pope, will not rest until he has conquered Italy. And in such treacherous times, conspiracy is everywhere, even within the ranks of the brotherhood itself.. 緊接前作《刺客信條II》 ,酒保戴斯濛德·邁爾斯(Desmond Miles)與其餘三名現代刺客露西·斯提爾曼(Lucy Stillman),肖恩·黑斯廷斯(Shaun Hastings)瑞貝卡·科瑞爾(Rebecca Crane)逃離聖殿騎士團的追擊後到達意大利城市濛特裏久尼。以已荒廢的奧迪托雷莊園地下室作為新的藏身之所,Desmond再次使用基因記憶追溯機器“Animus 2.0”,再度進入其刺客祖先艾吉奧·奧迪托雷(Ezio Auditore da Firenze 佛羅倫薩的艾吉奧·奧迪托雷)的記憶。 兄弟會(36張) 1499年12月文藝復興時期,40歲的艾吉奧於放棄刺殺教皇亞曆山大六世羅德裏格·波齊亞(Rodrigo Borgia,聖殿騎士團大團長)後迴到濛特裏久尼。1500年1月,教宗之子西澤爾·波奇亞一天晚上領兵對城市發動攻擊。西澤爾於城破之時奪迴艾齊奧伯父馬裏奧·奧迪托雷保管的古代遺物“伊甸園碎片-金蘋果”、將之槍殺並命士兵槍傷艾齊奧。艾齊奧負傷帶領傭兵及傢人逃走後獨自前往意大利首都羅馬,並發現波奇亞傢族已幾乎完全控製瞭整個羅馬市,市區百業蕭條,市民被剝削而生活睏苦。以市內颱伯河上的小島颱伯島為基地,艾齊奧聯結市內妓女、盜賊及傭兵勢力,以及招攬反抗的市民加入其刺客兄弟會以解放在教宗勢力控製下的羅馬。於各方協助下,艾齊奧得知西澤爾的財政由其兄長鬍安·波奇亞負責,而西澤爾則欲藉助法國瓦盧瓦公爵路易十二的軍事力量以及發明傢達芬奇之戰爭機器以徵服意大利。 在把西澤爾的財源和軍隊瓦解以及把達芬奇製造的的戰爭機器毀滅後,艾齊奧於1503年潛進梵蒂岡聖天使城堡。在欲與教皇對質時得知“伊甸碎片”已落入教皇手上,而教皇因不滿其子無窮的野心(包括對濛特裏久尼發動攻擊)而對西澤爾下毒。西澤爾得知後反用毒蘋果殺死教皇並到聖彼得大教堂奪迴伊甸園碎片金蘋果但被艾齊奧先行奪得。同年12月教皇儒略二世即位並下令拘捕西澤爾。1507年3月艾齊奧前往西班牙維安納並於圍城戰中與西澤爾進行最後決鬥,艾齊奧把西澤爾擊敗後將其從城牆投下,最後把金蘋果藏在羅馬鬥獸場的一個密室內。 Desmond等四人在找齣密室密碼後前往正進行工程的鬥獸場,並從地下通道進入天壇聖母堂。在啓動教堂內機關後Desmond四人成功進入位於教堂地底之硃諾神殿(就是伊甸碎片所在地),但在Desmond拿起伊甸碎片時,被稱為硃諾(Juno)的立體影像(屬遠古時期“第一文明”種族)控製瞭其身體使其對Lucy腹部刺瞭一刀,至此遊戲主綫劇情結束。
評分指薪修祜 永綏吉劭 矩步引領 俯仰廊廟 束帶矜莊 徘徊瞻眺
評分雁門紫塞 雞田赤城 昆池碣石 巨野洞庭 曠遠綿邈 岩岫杳冥
評分劍號巨闕 珠稱夜光 果珍李柰 菜重芥薑 海鹹河淡 鱗潛羽翔
Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crus[刺客的信條-秘密聖戰] [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載