Sleep Is for Everyone (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1)[每個人都要睡覺] [平裝] [4歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Sleep Is for Everyone (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1)[每個人都要睡覺],這個係列的科普圖書,值得一讀再讀。
評分這個係列的書確實熱門,或者說是京東書庫存量太少,好多書要等幾個月甚至是幾年纔有貨,oh my god,而且有貨還經常僅此一本,因為有好幾本書是我買瞭之後就發現沒貨瞭,所以就算寫瞭有用的評價也沒用,沒書啊,希望京東在這方麵能夠改進,畢竟這裏還是我最習慣最喜歡的購書地點。
評分人的一生需要養成許多好的習慣,其中愛讀書就是一個好習慣。在學校裏讀書的歲月,如今已成為往事。倒是參加工作以後,更加感覺讀書學習對自己而言,感觸頗多,收獲頗豐,有時還會自我陶醉其中,自得其樂,迴味無窮。於是每當擁有可以自由支配時間的日子裏,都會選擇約上兒子一起去逛逛書城享受品讀選購好書的快樂,常常會關注報紙網絡媒體推介的書市信息。如今還會學著進行上網買書,這些都已經成為自己生活中不可或缺的一部份,並且有種不知不覺喜歡成癮的趨勢。日復一日,讀書已成為自己生活的一種方式、一種習慣,還和身邊的親人、同事、朋友一起探討讀書帶來的思想意識的不斷更新,生活內涵的更迭,體味著“讀書使自己變得更加快樂,讓生活變得更加美好”的真實感受。 善讀書有利於修養心性。生活在社會的大融爐中,每一個人都需要不斷修養心性,懂得修養心性,纔能夠讓自己減少一些茫然與焦躁。而通過讀書思考,反省內心,能告訴自己如何做到婉約有緻,擁有內涵。作為女性,心性的修養首先錶現在自我情緒與情感的認知。當我們初嘗成功之時,告訴自己做到不狂躁不羈、不迷失自我。當應對挫摺時,能留給自己一份冷靜和清醒,堅持一種平和的心態,認真地來規劃自己的人生。
評分Children's Literature Preschool and primary-graders have the first-rate "Let's-Read-and-Find-Out" titles to turn to for information about their physiological selves: Among them, author/artist Aliki's, My Five Senses, My Feet, I'm Growing, and My Hands. In the latter, kids learn what the five senses are and how to use them. School Library Journal PreS-Gr 1-- Aliki's colorful, multiethnic illustrations help present the subjects of feet and hands in a clear, concise manner. In My Feet , children are shown running, jumping, and hopping in bare feet and in all sorts of footwear. The text covers anatomy of the foot, footprints, being ticklish, and even activities to try with the feet (like drawing). The text of My Hands is essentially the same as the original edition, with added sentences about bones, disabilities, and even veins. The illustrations are much improved, bright and updated, with minorities and handicapped children well represented, performing activities such as drawing, clapping, and talking in sign language. Mention is made in this edition about left-handedness and the difference between children's and adults' hands. Both texts are simple and straightforward, without being condescending. Two fine introductions to human anatomy. --Christine A. Moesch, Buffalo and Erie County Public Library, Buffalo, NY
Sleep Is for Everyone (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1)[每個人都要睡覺] [平裝] [4歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載