原版思維導圖 英文原版書 The Mind Map Book 東尼博贊係列 思維訓練書籍 快速閱讀學 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
書名:The Mind Map Book思維導圖
作者:Tony Buzan東尼·博贊;Barry Buzan巴瑞·博贊
商品尺寸:17.1 x 1.7 x 24.1 cm
“Shows corporate executives how to hot-wire their creative energies... Buzan puts on quite a show.”—Forbes
“This idea-rich, relentlessly upbeat manual proffers graphic images as an aid to unlock creative thinking or clarify emotions... will challenge and stimulate the open-minded.”—Publishers Weekly
The Mind Map Book《思維導圖》是一本在全世界銷量高達韆萬冊的圖書。書中的思維導圖方法結閤瞭心理學、大腦神經生理學、語義學、神經語言學、信息理論、記憶和助記法、感知理論、創造性思維等科學,將發散性思維與開拓性筆記技巧結閤在一起,被人們稱為“大腦瑞士軍刀”。思維導圖一經齣現,即在教育界和商界颳起瞭一場風暴。目前全世界已有超過3億人在使用它,並從中受益。
The potential of the human brain is phenomenal, and Tony Buzan has been a pioneer in researching that potential and helping people learn how to make the most of their brainpower. The Mind Map Book is his most important and comprehensive book on the subject. It offers exciting new ways of using and improving memory, concentration, and creativity in planning and structuring thought on all levels, in order to accelerate the ability to learn, remember, and record information.
Mind Mapping and Radiant Thinking are groundbreaking methods of accessing intelligence, developed over many years by the author, and here he provides a complete operating manual for all who want to use their brains to their fullest potential. It is a process currently used with extraordinary success by multinational corporations, leading universities, champion athletes, and outstanding artists. Featuring a range of stimulating excercises and a lavish collection of full-color photographs and original Mind Maps that illustrate the technique, it shows you precisely how to:
• Mirror and magnify your brain's pattern of perception and association in the way you learn, think, and create
• Quickly master the right way to take notes, organize a speech, a writing assignment, a report
• Join with others to pool thinking productively, memorize a mammoth amount of data, free your ideas to grow and expand constantly in depth and dimension
With 84 illustrations in full color and 44 in black and white
Tony Buzan is the world-renowned inventor of Mind Mapping and expert on the brain, memory, speed reading, creativity and innovation. He has been named as one of the world’s top 5 speakers by Forbes magazine. Through over 40 years of research into the workings of the brain, Tony Buzan is dedicating his life to developing and refining techniques to help individuals think better and more creatively, and reach their full potential. He has awakened the brains of millions worldwide.
This book is designed as an adventure to entice, delight, stimulate and challenge you. You will discover some astonishing facts about your brain and its function, and will take your first major steps on the path to freedom of mind.
The Mind Map Book has live main purposes:
1 To introduce you w a new concept in the development of thought – Radiant Thinking.
2 To introduce you to the new tool that allows you to use Radiant Thinking to best advantage in all aspects of your life Mind Maps.
3 To gave you a profound intellectual freedom by demonstrating that you can control the nature and development of your thanking processes, and that your ability to think creatively is theoretically infinite.
In conjunction with this advice on how best to do a Mind Map, you are given guidance and encouragement to develop your own personal style of Mind Mapping
4 Synthesis
The Synthesis division gives you an overview of all the different intellectual tasks you can successfully tackle with Mind Maps. These include: making choices (decision-making), organising your own ideas (note-making), organising other people’s ideas (note-taking), creative thinking and advanced brainstorming, improving memory and imagination, and creating a group mind.
5 Uses
The Uses division is your menu of Mind Map applications. This is itself subdivided into:
•Business and Professional
•The Future
These headings represent the areas in which Mind Maps are most frequently used. In each area you will learn a full range of specific and practical Mind Mapping skills. These are designed to give you a comprehensive tool kit for your intellectual life and work, specific applications include self-analysis, problem-solving, memory, essay-writing, management and meetings. The division ends with the first-ever introduction of computer-Mind Maps and a glimpse of a mentally literate future.
原版思維導圖 英文原版書 The Mind Map Book 東尼博贊係列 思維訓練書籍 快速閱讀學 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載