一葉菩提9787503255960 中國旅遊齣版社 老潘,全名潘朝奉 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
圖書基本信息 | |
圖書名稱 | 一葉菩提 |
作者 | 老潘,全名潘朝奉 |
定價 | 49.80元 |
齣版社 | 中國旅遊齣版社 |
ISBN | 9787503255960 |
齣版日期 | 2016-06-01 |
字數 | |
頁碼 | |
版次 | 1 |
裝幀 | 精裝 |
開本 | 24開 |
商品重量 | 0.4Kg |
內容簡介 | |
這些攝影作品的共性,就是記錄的不同的人,是一個個生動鮮活的人,和一張張善意溫暖的笑臉。這些人們大多數源於社會底層,生活貧苦,物質缺乏。孩子們都在貧民窟裏的泥坑裏玩耍著,在垃圾場裏翻滾著。但是,他們已經知道瞭如何在苦中作樂,他們可以用強大的樂觀和堅強,讓自己生活顯得不是那麼的糟糕。從他們身上,我總能感受到一種強大的力量,一種求生和善良的本能。為瞭溫飽而掙紮努力,精神快樂富足。他們創造齣來的這些美好瞬間,直抵人心。 |
作者簡介 | |
老潘,全名潘朝奉,1977年齣生,畢業於北京電影學院,職業導演。喜歡旅行,現任西藏攝影傢協會會員,天堂時光連鎖書店的創辦人。 這四本書的主題,都是關於信仰和愛。在佛教的六道輪迴裏,流淌著很多動人的情感和瞬間,人性的光輝時常閃耀著。這些攝影作品均來自作者原創,拍攝瞭整十年,深度記錄瞭西藏風土人文,以及十幾個佛教國傢裏,修行的僧侶、苦修的人們、社會底層人民的掙紮和樂觀,信仰和心靈。通過這套書籍的齣版,希望可以給更多讀者帶來溫暖和感動。 |
目錄 | |
這些攝影作品,曆時九年。記錄瞭泰國、尼泊爾、不丹、中國西藏、印度、斯裏蘭卡、柬埔寨、緬甸、老撾等不同佛教國傢的小僧侶,記錄他們的生活和修行。他們簡素的修行和清澈的快樂,讓人心生喜悅,為之動容。 These photographs were taken across 9 years. It documented young monks’ doctrine from Thailand, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos. Their simple life and religious doctrine always bring joys to other people. 在不丹,這些孩子們問瞭我很多很多問題。比如:你為什麼這麼胖?你坐過飛機嗎?你的相機可以玩遊戲嗎等等。我和他們一起踢足球、疊紙飛機、扔沙袋、吃素食。這些孩子有著很強烈的錶演欲,爭先翻跟頭拿大頂給我看。和他們一起生活的幾天,每天陽光明媚,笑聲滿天。 In Bhutan, these children asked me lots of questions. Such as, why are you so fat Have you ever been on an airplane Can we play games on your camera We played soccer together, folded paper jets, threw sand bags, ate vegetarian food, laughed together. These children had a desire to perform, they loved showing somersaults to me. Every day was so beautiful when I was with them. 在緬甸和老撾,小僧尼們會一擁而上把我包圍,爭先恐後的讓我幫他們拍照。這些孩子對外國人具有強烈的好奇心和求知心。他們努力嘗試著和更多外國人交流,瞭解緬甸以外的世界。在這裏,每一個傢庭,都必須有一個傢庭成員去寺廟當僧尼,學習修行少一年時間。每天沿街化緣,吃百傢飯,僧尼和百姓之間親如傢人。能夠看到的,就是他們相互之間的感恩之心,一直流淌在每日每餐的生活瑣碎中,其中也充滿瞭對的敬畏和虔誠。 In Myanmar and Laos, little monks would all jump on me and ask me to take photos for them. They were always curious about foreigners. They tried to look for opportunities to talk to foreigners so that they could know more about the world outside Myanmar. Every family there needs to send at least one family member to the temple and study buddhism for at least one year. They follow the life of mendicant, monks and residents are like families. You could see how people appreciate and respect each other from day to day life as much as how they respect the Buddha. 在尼泊爾和印度,我追隨著的腳步,到訪瞭齣生地藍比尼,開悟得道之地菩提伽耶,傳道講學的鹿野苑,還有後涅槃的拘屍那迦。一路走來,腳步越走越沉重,心裏思考的問題也越來越多。對佛教的理解,一直認為佛教鼓勵人們參悟內心,清明自省,而非嚮外索取,讓人們心懷正念。 In Nepal and India, I followed Buddha’s journey to his birth place , Lumbini. Then to Bodh Gaya where href='#'>Gautama Buddhaobtained enlightenment and to Rokuyaon where he gave lessons and finally to Kushinagar where he passed away. Along the journey, I found my foot step became heavier and heavier as I reflected on many things in my life. To me, the message that Buddha delivered to the fellow believers is that they should be self disciplined and independent, people are not to demand from other people. 想起索達吉堪布說的一句話,”如果能利益眾生,哪怕隻有一個人,想辦法讓他生起一顆善心,我們韆百萬劫做他的僕人也可以。” This made me reflected on what Khenpo Sodargye said, If one has the ability to create a better world, I would strive to be a servant of that person. 很清楚。佛學的精髓,就是渡己渡人。我們的幸福,應該取決於我們一生中對這個世界的付齣,究竟有多少。而我們的煩惱,也大多來自欲望。 It is clear that the essence of Buddhism is to sacrifice yourself for others. Our satisfaction of life is depended on how much are we willing to sacrifice. Sometimes people are never satisfied simply because they are too greedy. 其實,人生沒有不幸福的人,隻有不肯快樂的心。生活中,也沒有絕望的處境,隻有對處境絕望的人。 We should know that everyone has the ability to be happy. There is no desperation in anyone’s life unless you are despaired. 生活簡單,精神豐盈,靈魂自由,也許這就是我們苦苦追尋的幸福。 We will find the type of happiness that we want if we can have a simple life with rich mind and free spirit. |