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數字信號處理(第2版)(英文版) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025

















n  《數字信號處理(第2版)(英文版)》可以作為電子與通信相關專業的本科數字信號處理課程中英文雙語教學的教材,或中文授課的英文版教學參考書,也可供從事數字信號處理的工程技術人員學習參考。《數字信號處理(第2版)(英文版)》尤其適閤初步開展數字信號處理課程中英文雙語授課的師生選用。


1 introduction
n1.1 what is a signal
n1.2 what is a system
n1.3 what is signal processing
n1.4 classificatioof signals
n1.4.1 deterministic and random signals
n1.4.2 continuous-time and discrete-time signals
n1.4.3 periodic signals and nonperiodic signals
n1.4.4 energy signals and power signals
n1.5 overview of digital signal processing
n2 discrete-time signals and systems
n2.1 discrete-time signals: sequences
n2.1.1 operatioosequences
n2.2 basic sequences
n2.2.1 some basic sequences
n2.2.2 periodicity of sequences
n2.2.3 representatioof arbitrary sequences
n2.3 discrete-time systems
n2.3.1 classificatioof discrete-time systems
n2.4 time-domairepresentations of lti systems
n2.4.1 the linear convolutiosum
n2.4.2 interconnections of lti systems
n2.4.3 stability conditioof lti systems
n2.4.4 causality conditioof lti systems
n2.4.5 causal and anticausal sequences
n2.5 linear constant-coefficient difference equations
n2.5.1 recursive solutioof difference equations
n2.5.2 classical solutioof difference equations
n2.5.3 zero-input response and zero-state response
n2.5.4 the impulse response of causal lti systems
n2.5.5 recursive solutioof impulse responses
n2.5.6 classificatioof lti discrete-time systems
n3 transform-domaianalysis of discrete-time signals and systems
n3.1 the z-transform
n3.1.1 definitioof the z-transform
n3.1.2 a general shape of the regioof convergence
n3.1.3 uniqueness of the z-transform
n3.2 relatiobetweethe rocs and sequence types
n3.3 the z-transform of basic sequences
n3.4 the inverse z-transform
n3.4.1 contour integral method
n3.4.2 partial fractioexpansiomethod
n3.4.3 long divisiomethod
n3.4.4 power series expansiomethod
n3.5 properties of the z-transform
n3.6 the discrete-time fourier transform
n3.6.1 definitioof the discrete-time fourier transform
n3.6.2 convergence criteria
n3.6.3 properties of the discrete-time fourier transform
n3.6.4 symmetry properties of the discrete-time fourier transform
n3.7 transform-domaianalysis of lti discrete-time systems
n3.7.1 the frequency response of systems
n3.7.2 the transfer functioof lti systems
n3.7.3 geometric evaluatioof the frequency response
n3.8 sampling of continuous-time signals
n3.8.1 periodic sampling
n3.8.2 reconstructioof bandlimited signals
n3.9 relations of the z-transform to the laplace transform
n4 the discrete fourier transform
n4.1 the discrete fourier series
n4.2 properties of the discrete fourier series
n4.2.1 evaluatioof the periodic convolutiosum
n4.3 the discrete fourier transform
n4.4 properties of the discrete fourier transform
n4.4.1 circular convolutiotheorems
n4.5 linear convolutions evaluated by the circular convolution
n4.6 linear time-invariant systems implemented by the dft
n4.7 sampling and reconstructioithe z-domain
n4.8 fourier analysis of continuous-time signals using the dft
n4.8.1 fourier analysis of nonperiodic continuous-time signals
n4.8.2 practical considerations
n4.8.3 spectral analysis of sinusoidal signals
n5 fast fourier transform algorithms
n5.1 direct putatioand efficiency improvement of the dft
n5.2 decimation-in-time fft algorithm with radix-2
n5.2.1 butterfly-branch transmittance of the decimation-in-time fft
n5.2.2 in-place putations
n5.3 decimation-in-frequency fft algorithm with radix-2
n5.4 putational method of the inverse fft
n6 digital filter structures
n6.1 descriptioof the digital filter structures
n6.2 basic structures for iir digital filters
n6.2.1 direct form i
n6.2.2 direct form ii
n6.2.3 cascade form
n6.2.4 parallel form
n6.3 basic structures for fir digital filters
n6.3.1 direct forms
n6.3.2 cascade forms
n6.3.3 linear-phase forms
n7 desigtechniques of digital iir filters
n7.1 preliminary considerations
n7.1.1 frequency response of digital filters
n7.2 discrete-time systems characterized by phase properties
n7.3 allpass systems
n7.3.1 nonminimum-phase systems represented by a cascade connection
n7.3.2 group delay of the minimum-phase systems
n7.3.3 energy delay of the minimum-phase systems
n7.4 analog-to-digital filter transformations
n7.4.1 impulse invariance transformation
n7.4.2 step invariance transformation
n7.4.3 bilinear transformation
n7.5 desigof analog prototype filters
n7.5.1 analog butterworth lowpass filters
n7.5.2 analog chebyshev lowpass filters
n7.6 desigof lowpass iir digital filters
n7.6.1 desigof lowpass digital filters using the impulse invariance
n7.6.2 desigof lowpass digital filters using the bilinear transformation
n7.7 desigof iir digital filters using analog frequency transformations
n7.7.1 desigof bandpass iir digital filters
n7.7.2 desigof bandstop iir digital filters
n7.7.3 desigof highpass iir digital filters
n7.8 desigof iir digital filters using digital frequency transformations
n7.8.1 lowpass-to-lowpass transformation
n7.8.2 lowpass-to-highpass transformation
n7.8.3 lowpass-to-bandpass transformation
n7.8.4 lowpass-to-bandstop transformation
n8 desigof fir digital filters
n8.1 properties of linear phase fir filters
n8.1.1 the impulse response of linear-phase fir filters
n8.1.2 the frequency response of linear-phase fir filters
n8.1.3 characteristics of amplitude functions
n8.1.4 constraints ozero locations
n8.2 desigof linear-phase fir filters using windows
n8.2.1 basic techniques
n8.2.2 window functions
n8.2.3 desigof linear-phase fir lowpass filters using windows
n8.2.4 desigof linear-phase fir bandpass filters using windows
n8.2.5 desigof linear-phase fir highpass filters using windows
n8.2.6 desigof linear-phase fir bandstop filters using windows
n9 finite-wordlength effects idigital signal processing
n9.1 binary number representatiowith its quantizatioerrors
n9.1.1 fixed-point binary representatioof numbers
n9.1.2 floating-point representation
n9.1.3 errors from truncatioand rounding
n9.1.4 statistical model of the quantizatioerrors
n9.2 analysis of the quantizatioerrors ia/d conversion
n9.2.1 statistical model of the quantizatioerrors
n9.2.2 transmissioof the quantizationoise through lti systems
n9.3 coefficient quantizatioeffects idigital filters
n9.3.1 coefficient quantizatioeffects iiir digital filters
n9.3.2 statistical analysis of coefficient quantizatioeffects
n9.3.3 coefficient quantizatioeffects ifir filters
n9.4 round-off effects idigital filters
n9.4.1 round-off effects ifixed-point realizations of iir filters
n9.4.2 dynamic range scaling ifixed-point implementations of iir filters
n9.5 limit-cycle oscillations irealizations of iir digital filters
n9.5.1 zero-input limit cycle oscillations
n9.5.2 limit cycles due to overflow
n9.6 round-off errors ifft algorithms
n9.6.1 round-off errors ithe direct dft putation
n9.6.2 round-off errors ifixed-point fft realization
n10 multirate digital signal processing
n10.1 sampling rate changed by ainteger factor
n10.1.1 downsampling with ainteger factor m
n10.1.2 decimatioby ainteger factor m
n10.1.3 upsampling with ainteger factor l
n10.1.4 interpolatioby ainteger factor l
n10.2 sampling rate conversioby a rational factor
n10.3 efficient structures for sampling rate conversion
n10.3.1 equivalent cascade structures
n10.3.2 polyphase depositions
n10.3.3 polyphase realizatioof decimatiofilters
n10.3.4 polyphase realizatioof interpolatiofilters
nappendix a tables for the z-transform
nappendix b table for properties of the discrete-time fourier transform
nappendix c table for properties of the disc 數字信號處理(第2版)(英文版) 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書

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