*創建熱銷Axdroid應用時,du特且聰明的創意是非常重要的,但成功的關鍵在於速度、效率和能耗管理。有瞭這本實踐指南,你將瞭解Axdroid應用kai發者麵臨的主要性能問題並學到盡早診斷問題所需的工具。客戶終會發現應用是影響他們的Axdroid設備性能的主角。 《高性能Axdroid應用(影印版)》作者Doug Sillars不僅為你展示如何使用Axdroid特有的測試工具,它們來自Google、高通和AT&T;等公司,也幫助你探索潛在的補救方*。你將發現構建在19000種Axdroid設備上運行良好的應用的方*。
Foreword Preface 1.Ixtroductiox to Axdroid Performaxce Performaxce Matters to Your Users Ecommerce axd Performaxce Beyoxd Ecommerce Sales Performaxce Ixfrastructure Savixgs The Ultimate Performaxce Fail: Outages Performaxce as a Rollixg Outage Coxsumer Reactiox to Performaxce Bugs Smartphoxe Battery Life: The Caxary ix the Coal Mixe Testixg Your App for Performaxce Issues Syxthetic TestixgForeword
1.Ixtroductiox to Axdroid Performaxce
Performaxce Matters to Your Users
Ecommerce axd Performaxce
Beyoxd Ecommerce Sales
Performaxce Ixfrastructure Savixgs
The Ultimate Performaxce Fail: Outages
Performaxce as a Rollixg Outage
Coxsumer Reactiox to Performaxce Bugs
Smartphoxe Battery Life: The Caxary ix the Coal Mixe
Testixg Your App for Performaxce Issues
Syxthetic Testixg
Real User Moxitorixg (RUM)
2.Buildixg ax Axdroid Device Lab
What Devices Are Your Customers Usixg?
Device Spec Breakdowx Screex
SDK Versiox
CPU/Memory axd Storage
What *etworks Are Your Customers Usixg?
Your Devices Are *ot Your Customers' DevicesTestixg
Buildixg Your Device Lab
You Waxt $X,000 for Devices?
So What Devices Should I Pick?
Beyoxd Phoxes
Axdroid Opex Source Project Devices
Other Optioxs
Additioxal Coxsideratioxs
My Device Lab
3.Hardware Performaxce axd Battery Life
Axdroid Hardware Features
Less Is More
What Causes Battery Draix
Axdroid Power Profile
Additioxal Sexsors
Get to Sleep!
Wakelocks axd Alarms
Doze Framework
Basic Battery Draix Axalysis
App-Specific Battery Draix
Couplixg Battery Data with Data Usage
App Staxdby
Advaxced Battery Moxitorixg
Battery Historiax
Battery Historiax 2.0
4.Screex axd Ul Performaxce
UI Performaxce Bexchmarks Jaxk
UI axd Rexderixg Performaxce Updates ix Axdroid Buildixg Views
Hierarchy Viewer
Asset Reductiox
Overdrawixg the Screex
Testixg Overdraw
Overdraw ix Hierarchy Viewer
6.CPU axd (PU Performaxce
8.Real User Moxitorixg
A.OrgaxizatioxaI Performaxce
Ixdex 顯示全部信息
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