朗文·外研社·新概念英語3(培養技能)(新版) [NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH 3 New Editon] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
亞曆山大,國內英語教學奠基人,曾任歐洲現代語言教學委員會理事。其著作為交際教學法奠定基礎,其中一些如NCE和Follow Me己成英語學習必學入門教材。
何其莘,博士,現任北京外國語大學副校長、英美文學教授、博士生導師。著有《英國文藝復興時期文學史》、《英國戲劇選讀》和Listen to This等。
Pre-unit Test 1
UNIT ONE : Instrctions to the studen
Lesson 1 逃遁的美洲獅
Lesson 2 十三等於一
Lesson 3 無名女神
Lesson 4 阿爾弗雷德·布洛格斯的雙重生活
Lesson 5 確切數字
Lesson 6 砸櫥窗搶劫
Lesson 7 殘鈔鑒彆組
Lesson 8 著名的修道院
Lesson 9 飛貓
Lesson 10 “泰坦尼剋”號的沉沒
Lesson 11 無罪
Lesson 12 荒島生活
Lesson 13 “是我,彆害怕”
Lesson 14 貴族歹徒
Lesson 15 五十便士的麻煩
Lesson 16 瑪麗有一頭小羔羊
Lesson 17 世界上最長的吊橋
Lesson 18 現代藝術中的電流
Lesson 19 一隻貴重的寶貝貓
Lesson 20 飛行員的先驅
Pre-unit Test 2
UNIT TOW : Instrctions to the studen
Lesson 21 丹尼爾?門多薩
Lesson 22 熟記颱詞
Lesson 23 各有所愛
Lesson 24 “傢醜”
Lesson 25 “卡蒂薩剋”號帆船
Lesson 26 徵購大餅乾筒
Lesson 27 不賣也不買
Lesson 28 五鎊也太貴
Lesson 29 是否可笑?
Lesson 30 幽靈之死
Lesson 31 可愛的怪人
Lesson 32 一艘沉船
Lesson 33 難忘的一天
Lesson 34 幸運的發現
Lesson 35 伸張正義
Lesson 36 百萬分之一的機遇
Lesson 37 開往威斯特海溫的快車
Lesson 38 最早的日曆
Lesson 39 不必擔心
Lesson 40 真假難辨
UNIT THREE : Instrctions to the studen
Lesson 41 寜靜田園生活的遐想
Lesson 42 現代洞穴人
Lesson 43 全保險
Lesson 44 又快捷又舒適
Lesson 45 新聞報道的威力
Lesson 46 自己動手
Lesson 47 代價太高?
Lesson 48 沉默的村莊
Lesson 49 理想的僕人
Lesson 50 新年的決心
Lesson 51 預測未來
Lesson 52 實事求是
Lesson 53 為瞭公眾的利益
Lesson 54 是本能還是機智?
Lesson 55 來自地球的問候
Lesson 56 河流,我們的鄰居
Lesson 57 重返故裏
Lesson 58 一點兒小麻煩
Lesson 59 收藏
Lesson 60 太早和太晚
Lesson 1 a puma at large 逃遁的美洲獅
pumas are large,cat-like animals which are found in america. when reports came into london zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of london,they were not taken seriously.however,as the evidence began to accumulate,exports from the zoo felt obliged to investigate,for the description given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.
the hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw "a large cat"only five yard away from her.it immediately ran away when she saw it ,and experts comfirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered.the seacrh proved difficult,for the puma was ofen observed at one place in the morning and another place twenty mile away in the evening .wherever it went,it left behind it a trial of dead deers and small animals like rabbits.paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was founded clinging to the bushes.several people complained of "cat-like noises"at night and a businssman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree.the experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma .but where it had come from? as no puma had been reported missing from any zoo in the country ,this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow mananged to escape.the hunt went on for several days,but the puma was not caught.it is disturing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.
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朗文·外研社·新概念英語3(培養技能)(新版) [NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH 3 New Editon] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載