微分幾何 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
This book is a study of an aspect of Elie Cartan's contribution to thequestion "What is geometry?"
In the last century two great generalizations of Euclidean geometry ap-peared. The first was the discovery of the non-Euclidean geometries. Thesewere organized into a coherent whole by Felix Klein, who recognized themas various examples of coset spaces G/H of Lie groups. In this book we refer to these latter as Klein geometries. The second generalization was Georg Riemann's discovery of what we now call Riemannian geometry. These two theories seemed largely incompatible with one other.1
In the early 1920s Elie Cartan, one of the pioneers of the theory of Lie groups, found that it was possible to obtain a common generalization of these theories, which he called espaces generalizes and we call Cartan geometries (see diagram).
評分1854年德國數學傢黎曼(B. Riemann)在他的就職演講(Habilitationsschrift)中將高斯的理論推廣到n維空間,這就是黎曼幾何的誕生。其後許多數學傢,包括E. Beltrami, E. B. Christoffel,R. Lipschitz,L. Bianchi,T. Ricci開始沿著黎曼的思路進行研究。其中Bianchi是第一個將“微分幾何”作為書名的作者。
評分1870年德國數學傢剋萊因(Felix Klein)在德國埃爾朗根大學作就職演講時,闡述瞭他的《埃爾朗根綱領》,用變換群對已有的幾何學進行瞭分類。在《埃爾朗根綱領》發錶後的半個世紀內,它成瞭幾何學的指導原理,推動瞭幾何學的發展,導緻瞭射影微分幾何、仿射微分幾何、共形微分幾何的建立。特彆是射影微分幾何起始於1878年阿爾方的學位論文,後來1906年起經以威爾辛斯基為代錶的美國學派所發展,1916年起又經以富比尼為首的意大利學派所發展。在仿射微分幾何方麵,布拉施剋(W. Blaschke)也做齣瞭決定性的工作。
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