信號與係統基礎/高等學校電子信息類專業係列教材 [Fundamentals of Signals and Systems] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Overview of signals and systems
1.1.1 What is a signal?
1.1.2 What is a system?
1.2 Description and classification of signals
1.2.1 Continuous-time signals and discrete-time signals
1.2.2 Energy signals and power signals
1.2.3 Periodic signals and non-periodic signals
1.2.4 Deterministic signals and random signals
1.2.5 Elementary signals
1.3 Description of Systems
1.3.1 Elementary systems
1.3.2 System modelling
1.4 Properties of systems
1.4.1 Memoryless and with memory
1.4.2 Causality
1.4.3 Invertibility
1.4.4 Stability
1.4.5 Time-invariance
1.4.6 Linearity
1.5 Summary
1.6 Problems
Chapter 2 Time-domain Analysis of LTI Systems
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The unit impulse response and convolutions
2.2.1 The convolution sum ~
2.2.2 The convolution integral
2.3 Properties of convolutions and equivalent systems
2.4 Causality and stability of LTI systems
2.5 Systems constrained with LCCDEs
2.5.1 Continuous-time systems constrained with LCCDEs
2.5.2 Discrete-time systems characterized by LCCDEs
2.6 Summary
2.7 Problems
Chapter 3 Fourier Analysis of Signals
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Fourier series for continuous-time periodic signals
3.3 Fourier series for discrete-time periodic signals
3.4 Why should a signal be transformed?
3.5 Fourier transform for continuous-time signals
3.5.1 Properties of Fourier transform
3.5.2 Inverse Fourier transform
3.6 The discrete-time Fourier transform
3.6.1 Properties of DTFT
3.6.2 Inverse DTFT
3.7 Fourier series and Fourier transforms
3.8 Summary
3.9 Problems
Chapter 4 Frequency-domain Approach to LTI Systems
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Frequency response of LTI systems
4.3 Bode plots for continuous-time LTI systems
4.4 Frequency response of LTIs described with LCCDEs
4.5 Frequency domain approach to system outputs
4.6 Some typical LTI systems
4.6.1 All-pass systems
4.6.2 Linear phase response systems
4.6.3 Ideal filters
4.6.4 Ideal transmission channels
4.7 Summary
4.8 Problems
Chapter 5 Discrete Processing of Analog Signals
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Sampling of a continuous-time signal
5.3 Spectral relationship and sampling theorem
5.4 Reconstruction of continuous-time signals
5.5 Hybrid systems for discrete processing
5.6 Discrete Fourier transform
5.7 Compressed sensing
5.8 Summary
5.9 Problems
Chapter 6 Transform-domain Approaches
Chapter 7 Structures and State-space Realizations
Chapter 8 Comprehensive Problems
The concepts of signals and systems are the corner-stone of a wide variety of areas, ranging from home-oriented consumer electronics and multimedia entertainment products to sophisticated communications, aeronautics and astronautics, and control. The ideas and approaches associated with these concepts have great e.ects on our life in one way or another. Although the signals and systems which arise across those .elds are naturally di.erent in their physical make-up and application, the principles and tools for analyzing signals and systems are the same and hence applicable to all of them. Therefore, an introductory course on signals and systems is fundamental and compulsory for an engineering under-graduate curriculum in any well-established tertiary (education) institutions. Such a course is commonly designed in one of the two forms below:
a one-semester subject that intends to provide students with a rich set of concepts and tools for analyzing deterministic signals and an important class of systems known as linear time-invariant systems;
a two-semester subject that expands on the one-semester course by adding more detailed treatment of signal processing and systems for speci.ed applications such as communications, multimedia signal processing and control engineering.
This book takes the .rst form and assumes that the students have a background in calculus and introductory physics.
Why another “Signals and Systems”?
Given that there are many well-written textbooks on signals and systems available, our readers would be screaming when seeing this textbook: Why another “Signals and Systems”?
The thought of writing such a textbook was stimulated in 2007 when the .rst author conducted a 2nd year course on signals and systems in Zhejiang University of Technology (ZJUT) in Hangzhou, which he just joined from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Republic of Singapore. The course was designed as “shuang yu ke” spelled in Chinese, meaning that the teaching materials such as the textbooks and slides are all in English and as to the class language, the lecturers can choose either Chinese, English or a mixture of the two—a typical Chinese style! The textbooks adopted were those popularly used in the world but were found very di.cult to most of our students as their English is not good enough to deal with those textbooks of one thousand pages or so in length.1 This motivates him to write a new “Signals and Systems”
1Here, we have those big masters of Signals and Systems to “blame”—why not writing their text-book in Chinese!
with a primary objective of providing a condensed version of “Signals and Systems” in English, while keeping the important technical materials as much as possible.
Most of us agree that for a university study it is more important to teach students how to learn and analyze than what to be learned and analyzed. The .rst author still remembers what was said by Professor Y. Liu who taught him calculus in 1978 in Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) (now, known as Bei Li Gong) that a good textbook, say of ten chapters, should be written in such a way that after the .rst four chapters taught by the lecturer, the rest can be studied by students themselves easily. What Prof. Liu really meant is that a textbook should be written to facilitate and reinforce self-study. This is another objective that this textbook is intended to achieve. Given the mathematical nature of this subject, rigidity should be sustained as much as possible, which is something very important to engineering students to learn. This is the third objective of this textbook.
How the book is structured ?
One of the reasons for the existing textbooks of signals and systems to have easily over eight hundred pages is due to the continuous-and discrete-time forms of signals and systems. The success of a signals and systems that achieves our primary object lies in how to provide a balanced and integrated treatment of the two forms in a pedagogical way that can help students see the fundamental similarities and di.erences between the two without too much repeating. With all of these in mind, this book is organized as follow.
. Chapter 1 is aimed to provide an overview of signals and systems. Compared with the one in most of the signals and systems, it is condensed with an emphasis on the periodical signals and linear time-invariant (LTI) systems.
. Chapter 2 deals with the time-domain approach to the LTI systems. Since the key to the development of this chapter is to exploit the properties of linearity and time-invariance as well as signal decompositions, the concepts of unit impulse re-sponse and convolution are developed in details for the discrete-time case, while the continuous-time counterparts are directly give
信號與係統基礎/高等學校電子信息類專業係列教材 [Fundamentals of Signals and Systems] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
信號與係統基礎/高等學校電子信息類專業係列教材 [Fundamentals of Signals and Systems] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載