新東方·劍橋雅思高級教程(附練習冊及光盤) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Complete IELTS係列是劍橋大學齣版社、劍橋大學外語考試部攜手推齣的專業雅思輔導教材,其編著者也曾參與劍橋雅思真題、官方OG等其他經典備考圖書的編寫,在專業性方麵毋庸置疑。內容方麵,全部素材都來自國外各大期刊雜誌和報紙,不管是用來備考還是積纍知識都很有幫助。在題目設置方麵,所有題目都以雅思考試題型以依托,以劍橋大學官方語料庫為基礎,每個單元都設有針對聽力、閱讀、寫作、口語四項技能的多樣化練習,並輔以語法、詞匯、發音等練習,全方位提高考生的英文水平和語言能力。光盤中的互動練習軟件也是不可多得的學習工具,便於考生在電腦上進行大量的互動練習。在印刷方麵,學生用書使用高品質銅版紙,全彩四色印刷,為考生提供齣色的視覺效果和學習體驗。
(英)哈特 (Hart.G.B.),哈特有超過30年的英語教學經驗,曾在埃及教學,並作為英國文化委員會的成員在法國、西班牙等地工作過,是劍橋資深英語教學專傢,對BEC考試研究透徹,並有豐富的商務英語課堂教學經驗,齣版瞭多部商務英語、職場英語學習領域的著作,包括:Instant IELTS (2004),Business Benchmark Vantage (2006),Business Benchmark Higher (2007),Complete First Certificate (2008),Complete CAE (2009)(與Simon Haines閤著)等。
Map of the units
IELTS Academic Module: content and overview
1 Getting higher qualifications
2 Colour my world
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 1 and
3 A healthy life
4 Art and the artist
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 3 and
5 Stepping back in time
6 IT society
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 5 and
7 Our relationship with nature
8 Across the universe
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 7 and
Additional material
Speaking reference
Writing reference
Language reference
Word lists
IELTS practice test
Recording scripts
Answer key
Who this book is for
Complete IELTS Bands 6.5–7.5 is a short preparation course of 50–60 classroom hours for students who wish to take the Academic module of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). It teaches you the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills that you need for the exam. It covers all the exam question types, as well as key grammar and vocabulary which, from research into the Cambridge Learner Corpus, are known to be useful to candidates needing to achieve a high band score in the test. If you are not planning to take the exam in the near future, the book teaches you the skills and language you need to reach an advanced level of English (Common European Framework (CEF) level C1).
What the book contains
In the Student’s Book there are:
l eight units for classroom study, each containing:
– one section on each of the four papers in the IELTS test, with relevant language input and skills practice.
– a range of enjoyable and stimulating speaking activities, designed to enhance your fluency and your ability to speak at length and express complex ideas.
– a coherent approach to IELTS Writing tasks.
– key grammar exercises relevant to the exam, including exercises based on the Cambridge Learner Corpus that highlight common problem areas for advanced students.
– vocabulary exercises that aim to raise your knowledge of advanced vocabulary items and help demonstrate your ability to use these in Writing and Speaking tasks.
– a unit review which revises the vocabulary and grammar that you have studied in each unit.
l Speaking and Writing reference sections which explain the tasks you will have to do in the Speaking and Writing papers. They give you examples, together with additional exercises and advice on how best to approach these two IELTS papers.
l a Language reference section which clearly explains all the areas of grammar and vocabulary covered in the book and which will help you prepare for the IELTS test.
l a complete IELTS practice test
l eight photocopiable word lists (one for each unit) containing topic-based vocabulary found in the units, accompanied by a definition supplied by a corpus informed Cambridge dictionary, e.g. the CALD.
l complete recording scripts for all the listening material.
l complete answer keys, including sample answers to all Writing tasks.
In the Workbook there are:
l eight units for homework and self-study. Each unit contains full exam practice in one part of the IELTS Reading and Listening papers.
l further practice in analysing the tasks from the Writing paper and writing answers.
l further practice in the grammar and vocabulary taught in the Student’s Book.
Also available are:
l a DVD containing:
– a CD - ROM which provides you with many interactive exercises, including further listening practice exclusive to the CD-ROM. All these extra exercises are linked to the topics in the Student’ Book
all the for listening material the eight units of the Student’s Book and the Workbook plus the Listening Test in the IELTS practice test. The listening material indicated by different coloured icons in the Student’s Book as follows: Album 1, Album 2.
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