【中商原版】從0到1 英文原版 Zero To One 創業管理彼得蒂爾 從零到一 創業必讀 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
ZerotoOne從零到一 拍拍創始人Peter Thiel 美國紀念版
How Google Works 英文原版 | [颱版] Google榖歌模式 | Zero to One Peter Thiel 從0到1 | [颱版]從零到一從0到1 | 從零到一 Zero to One |
李開復推薦 榖歌如何運作 | 挑戰瘋狂變化世界經營思維 | 創業管理彼得蒂爾 英文原版 | zero to one 創業管理 | Peter Thiel/Virgin |
If you want to buildabetterfuture, you must believe in secrets.
The great secret of ourtimeisthat there are still uncharted frontiers to exploreandnewinventions to create. In Zero to One, legendaryentrepreneurandinvestor Peter Thiel shows how we can find singularways tocreatethose new things.
Thiel begins withthecontrarianpremise that we live in an age oftechnologicalstagnation, even ifwe’re too distracted by shinymobile devices tonotice. Informationtechnology has improvedrapidly, but there is noreason whyprogress should be limited tocomputers or SiliconValley. Progresscan be achieved in any industryor area ofbusiness. It comes fromthe most important skill thatevery leadermust master: learning tothink for yourself.
Doing what someoneelsealreadyknows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, addingmoreofsomething familiar. But when you do something new, you gofrom 0to1. The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system.ThenextLarry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a searchengine.Tomorrow’schampions will not win by competing ruthlesslyintoday’smarketplace. They will escape competitionaltogether,because theirbusinesses will be unique.
Zero to One presents atonceanoptimistic view of the future of progress in America and anewwayof thinking about innovation: it starts by learning toaskthequestions that lead you to find valueinunexpectedplaces.
“Crisply written,rationalandpractical, Zero to One should be read not justbyaspiringentrepreneurs but by anyone seeking athoughtfulalternative to thecurrent pervasive gloom about theprospects fortheworld.”
– The Economist
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