Bridge to Terabithia (Movie Tie-In Edition)仙境之橋,電影版 英文原版 [平裝] [8-12歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025


Bridge to Terabithia (Movie Tie-In Edition)仙境之橋,電影版 英文原版 [平裝] [8-12歲]

Katherine Paterson(凱瑟琳·皮特森) 著,Donna Diamond(唐娜·戴爾曼德) 繪


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齣版社: HarperCollins US

Bridge to Terabithia (Movie Tie-In Edition)仙境之橋,電影版 英文原版 [平裝] [8-12歲] epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2025


Bridge to Terabithia (Movie Tie-In Edition)仙境之橋,電影版 英文原版 [平裝] [8-12歲] epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2025

Bridge to Terabithia (Movie Tie-In Edition)仙境之橋,電影版 英文原版 [平裝] [8-12歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025



Now a major motion picture, discover the beloved Newbery Medal-winning story of Jess Aarons and Leslie Burke. Join Jess and Leslie as they form an unlikely friendship and create the imaginary land of Terabithia. There they rule as king and queen, until a terrible tragedy occurs that helps Jess understand just how much he has learned from Leslie.


Katherine Paterson was born in China, where she spent part of her childhood. After her education in China and the American South, she spent four years in Japan, the setting for her first three novels. Ms. Paterson has received numerous awards for her writing, including National Book Awards for The Master Puppeteer and The Great Gilly Hopkins, as well as Newbery Medals for Jacob Have I Loved and Bridge to Terabithia. Ms. Paterson lives with her husband in Vermont. They have four grown children.


Paterson's Newbery-winning novel becomes an entertaining and dramatic audiobook via Leonard's accomplished reading. Jess Aarons is eager to start fifth grade. He's been practicing his sprints all summer, determined to become the fastest runner at school. All seems to be on track, until the new girl in class (who also happens to be Jess's new next-door neighbor), Leslie Burke, leaves all the boys in the dust, including Jess. After this rather frustrating introduction, Jess and Leslie soon become inseparable. Together, they create an imaginary, secret kingdom in the woods called Terabithia that can be reached only by swinging across a creek bed on a rope. But one morning a tragic accident befalls Leslie as she ventures alone to Terabithia, and Jess's life is changed forever. Leonard deftly interprets the strands of humor, realism and heart-wrenching emotion woven into Paterson's fine tale. His careful and authentic handling of Jess's anger and grief in the aftermath of the accident is sure to touch listeners. Contemporary instrumental interludes featuring guitar, piano and drums signal the beginning and end of each tape side.
--Publishers Weekly


Chapter One
Jesse Oliver Aarons, Yr.
Ba-room, ba-room, ba-room, baripity, baripity, baripity, baripity--Good. His dad had the pickup going. He could get up now. Jess slid out of bed and into his overalls. He didn't worry about a shirt because once he began running he would be hot as popping grease even if the morning air was chill, or shoes because the, bottoms of his feet were by now as tough as his worn-out sneakers.
ere you going, Jess?" May Belle lifted herself up sleepily from the double bed where she and Joyce Ann slept.
"Sh." He warned. The walls were thin. Momma would be mad as flies in a fruit jar if they woke her up this time of day.
He patted May Belle's hair and yanked the twisted sheet up to her small chin. "Just over the cow field," he whispered. May Belle smiled and snuggled down under the- sheet.
"Gonna run?"
Of course he was going to run. He had. gotten up early every day all summer to run. He figured if he worked at itand Lord, had he worked-he could be- the fastest runner in the fifth grade when school opened up. He had to be the fastest-not one of the fastest or next to the fastest, but the fastest. The very best.
He tiptoed out of the house. The place was so rattly that it screeched whenever you put your foot down, but Jess had found that if you tiptoed, it gave only a low moan, and he could usually get outdoors without waking Momma or Ellie or Brenda or Joyce Ann. May Belle was another matter. She was going on seven, and she worshiped him, which was OK sometimes. When you were the only boy smashed between four sisters, and the older two had despised you ever since you stopped letting them dress you up and wheel you around in their rusty old doll carriage, and the littlest one.cried if you looked at ther cross-eyed, it was nice to have somebody who worshiped you. Even if it got unhandy sometimes.
He began to trot across the yard. His breath, was coming out in little puffs--cold for August. But it was early yet. By noontime when his mom would have him out working, it would be hot enough.
Miss Bessie stared at him sleepily as he climbed across the scrap heap, over the fence, and into the cow field. "Moo--oo," she said, looking for all the world like another May Belle with her big, brown droopy eyes.
"Hey, Miss Bessie," Jess said soothingly. "Just go on back to sleep."
Miss Bessie strolled over to a greenish patch-most of the field was brown and dry-and yanked up a mouthful.
"That'a girl. Just eat your breakfast. Don't pay me no mind."
He always started at the northwest comer of the field, crouched over like the runners he had seen on Wide World of Sports.
"Bang," he said, and took off flying around the cow field. Miss Bessie strolled toward the center, still following him with her droopy eyes, chewing slowly. She didn't look very smart, even for a cow, but she was plenty bright enough to get out of Jess's way.
His straw-colored hair flapped hard against his forehead, and his arms and legs flew out every which way. He had never learned to run properly, but he was long-legged for a tenyear-old, and no one had more grit than he.
Lark Creek Elementary was short on everything, especially athletic equipment, so all the balls went to the upper grades at recess time after lunch. Even if a fifth grader started out the period with a ball, it was sure to be in the hands of a sixth or seventh grader before the hour was half over. The older boys always took the dry center of the upper field for
their ball games, while the girls claimed the small top section for hopscotch and jump rope and hanging around talking. So the lower-grade boys had started this running thing. They would all line up on the far side of the lower field, where it was either muddy or deep crusty ruts. Earle Watson who was no good at running, but had, a big mouth, would yell "Bang!" and they'd race to a line they'd- toed across at the other end.
One time last year Jesse had won. Not just I the first heat but the whole shebang. Only once. But it had put into his mouth a. taste for winning. Ever since he'd been in first grade he'd been that "crazy little kid that draws all the time." But one day--April the twenty-second, a drizzly Monday, it had been-he ran ahead of them all, the red mud slooching up through the holes in the bottom of his sneakers..
For the rest of that day, and until after lunch on the next, he had been "the fastest kid in- the third, fourth, and fifth grades," and he only a fourth grader. On Tuesday, Wayne Pettis had won again as usual.. But this year Wayne Pettis would be in the sixth grade. He'd play football until Christmas and baseball until June with the rest of the big guys. Anybody had a chance to be the fastest runner and by, Miss Bessie, this year it was going to be Jesse Oliver Aarons, Jr.
Jess pumped his arms harder and bent his head for thedistant fence. He could hear the third-grade boys screaminghim on. They would follow him around like a country-musicstar. And May Belle would pop her buttons. Her brother wasthe fastest, the best. That ought to give the rest of the firstgrade de something to chew their cuds on.
Even his dad would be proud. Jess rounded the corner. He couldn't keep going quite so fast, but he continued running for a while--it would, build him up.


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Bridge to Terabithia (Movie Tie-In Edition)仙境之橋,電影版 英文原版 [平裝] [8-12歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
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~很好的書,慢慢看,京東是個不錯的買書地! “知識就是力量”,這是英國著名學者培根說的。誠然,知識對於年青一代何等重要。而知識並非生來就有、隨意就生的,最主要的獲取途徑是靠讀書。在讀書中,有“甘”也有“苦”。 “活到老,學到老”,這句話簡潔而極富哲理地概括瞭人生的意義。雖說讀書如逆水行舟,睏難重重,苦不堪言;但是,若將它當作一種樂趣,沒有負擔,像是策馬於原野之上,泛舟於西湖之間,盡歡於遊戲之中。這樣,讀書纔津津有味、妙不可言。由此,讀書帶來的“甘甜”自然而然浮齣水麵,隻等著你采擷瞭。 讀書,若隻埋首於“書海”中,長此以往,精神得不到適當地調節,“懨倦”的情緒彌滿腦際,到終來不知所雲,索然無味。這種“苦”是因人造成的,無可厚非。還有一種人思想上存在著問題,認為讀書無關緊要,苦得難熬,活受罪。迷途的羔羊總有兩種情況:一種是等待死亡;另一種能迴頭是岸,前程似錦 我的房間裏有一整架書籍,每天獨自摩挲大小不一的書,輕嗅清清淡淡的油墨香,心中總是充滿一股歡欣與愉悅。取齣一冊,慢慢翻閱,怡然自得。   古人讀書有三味之說,即“讀經味如稻梁,讀史味如佳肴,諸子百傢,味如醯醢”。我無法感悟得如此精深,但也癡書切切,非同尋常。   記得小時侯,一次,我從朋友那兒偶然藉得伊索寓言,如獲至寶,愛不釋手。讀書心切,迴傢後立即關上房門。燈光融融,我倚窗而坐。屋內,燈光昏暗,室外,燈火輝煌,街市嘈雜;我卻在書中神遊,全然忘我。轉眼已月光朦朧,萬籟俱寂,不由得染上瞭一絲睡意。再讀兩篇纔罷!我挺直腰闆,目光炯炯有神,神遊伊索天國。   迷迷糊糊地,我隱約聽到輕柔的叫喊聲,我揉瞭揉惺忪的睡眼,看不真切,定神一聽,是媽媽的呼喚,我不知在寫字颱上趴瞭多久。媽媽衝著我笑道:“什麼時候變得這麼用功瞭?”我的臉火辣辣的,慌忙閤書上床,倒頭便睡。   從此,讀書就是我永遠的樂事。外麵的世界確實五彩繽紛,青山啊,綠水啊,小鳥啊,小貓啊,什麼也沒有激發起我情趣,但送走白日時光的我,情由獨鍾——在幽靜的房間裏伴一盞燈,手執一捲,神遊其中,任思緒如駿馬奔騰,肆意馳騁,飽攬異域風情,目睹曆史興衰榮辱。與住人公同悲同喜,與英雄人物共沉共浮,罵可笑可鄙之輩,哭可憐可敬之士。體驗感受主人公艱難的生命旅程,品嘗咀嚼先哲們睿智和超凡的見解,讓理性之光粲然於腦海,照亮我充滿荊棘與坎坷之途。在書海中,靜靜地揣摩人生的快樂,深深地感知命運的多舛,默默地慨嘆人世的滄桑。而心底引發陣陣的感動,一股抑製不住的激動和靈感奔湧。於是乎,筆尖不由得顫動起來,急於想寫什麼,想說什麼……   閑暇之餘,讀書之外,仍想讀書寄情於此,欣然自愉。正如東坡老先生所雲:“此心安處吾鄉。”   早晨,我品香茗讀散文,不亦樂乎!中午,我臨水倚林讀小說,不亦樂乎!晚上,我對窗藉光吟詩詞,不亦樂乎!整天都是快樂,因為我有書,我在!















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