The Time Traveler's Wife 時間旅行者的妻子 英文原版 [平裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
★全球銷售超過5,000,000冊 ★全球售齣40餘國版權 ★三年以來始終列於美國亞馬遜排行榜前100位之中 ★2007年被英國《衛報》評為生命中不可缺少的100本書之一 ★布萊德·彼德買下電影版權並將飾演男主角
This extraordinary, magical novel is the story of Clare and Henry who have known each other since Clare was six and Henry was thirty-six, and were married when Clare was twenty-two and Henry thirty. Impossible but true, because Henry is one of the first people diagnosed with Chrono-Displacement Disorder: periodically his genetic clock resets and he finds himself pulled suddenly into his past or future. His disappearances are spontaneous and his experiences are alternately harrowing and amusing. The Time Traveler's Wife depicts the effects of time travel on Henry and Clare's passionate love for each other with grace and humour. Their struggle to lead normal lives in the face of a force they can neither prevent nor control is intensely moving and entirely unforgetable.
相遇那年,她六歲,他三十六歲; 結婚那年,她二十三歲,他三十一歲; 離彆後再度重逢時,她八十二歲,他四十三歲…… 他把愛人一次又一次遠遠地拋在瞭後麵, 她卻用一生的時間等待愛人迴到身邊 是什麼過濾著這個時代依然還在的愛情? 是什麼推動著人們在復雜交錯中的命運中勇敢地探索? 又是什麼終於讓時間在愛麵前也變得微不足道? 這是一麯高昂的愛的頌歌,是一程常人不可思議的浪漫之旅。 這像是一本科幻小說,卻洋溢著濃濃的詩意。 這像是一本愛情小說,卻飽含瞭信念與時空的哲理。 相遇那年,她六歲,他三十六歲;結婚那年,她二十三歲,他三十一歲;離彆後再度重逢時,她八十二歲,他四十三歲……
Audrey Niffenegger is an exceptionally creative writer and visual artist who has achieved enormous success in both worlds. Her debut novel, The Time Traveler's Wife, has sold nearly five million copies worldwide and has been translated into thirty-three languages to date. A Richard & Judy book club choice in the UK, it has been a huge bestseller all round the world. In the Daily Telegraph's readers' poll of the 'Top 50 Books of All Time' it appeared at no. 11. Niffenegger is also the author of two 'novels-in-pictures', The Three Incestuous Sisters (2005) and The Adventuress (2006), both published by Jonathan Cape. Her graphic novel The Night Bookmobile was recently serialized in the Guardian and will be published soon on the Cape Graphic list. A Chicago native, Niffenegger received her MFA in Printmaking and Drawing from Northwestern University. Her art has been widely exhibited in the United States and is in the permanent collections of the Library of Congress and Harvard University's Houghton Library.
奧德麗·尼芬格(Audrey Niffenegger),視覺藝術傢,也是芝加哥哥倫比亞學院書籍與紙藝中心的教授,她負責教導寫作、凸版印刷以及精美版書籍的製作。曾在芝加哥印花社畫廊展齣個人藝術作品。《時間旅行者的妻子》是她的第一本小說。目前她居住在芝加哥。
“This clever and inventive tale works on three levels: as an intriguing science fiction concept, a realistic character study and a touching love story. Henry De Tamble is a Chicago librarian with 'Chrono Displacement' disorder; at random times, he suddenly disappears without warning and finds himself in the past or future, usually at a time or place of importance in his life. This leads to some wonderful paradoxes. From his point of view, he first met his wife, Clare, when he was 28 and she was 20. She ran up to him exclaiming that she'd known him all her life. He, however, had never seen her before. But when he reaches his 40s, already married to Clare, he suddenly finds himself time travelling to Clare's childhood and meeting her as a 6-year-old. The book alternates between Henry and Clare's points of view, and so does the narration. Reed ably expresses the longing of the one always left behind, the frustrations of their unusual lifestyle, and above all, her overriding love for Henry. Likewise, Burns evokes the fear of a man who never knows where or when he'll turn up, and his gratitude at having Clare, whose love is his anchor. The expressive, evocative performances of both actors convey the protagonists' intense relationship, their personal quirks and their reminiscences, making this a fascinating audio.”
——Publishers Weekly
“On the surface, Henry and Clare Detamble are a normal couple living in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood. Henry works at the Newberry Library and Clare creates abstract paper art, but the cruel reality is that Henry is a prisoner of time. It sweeps him back and forth at its leisure, from the present to the past, with no regard for where he is or what he is doing. It drops him naked and vulnerable into another decade, wearing an age-appropriate face. In fact, it's not unusual for Henry to run into the other Henry and help him out of a jam. Sound unusual? Imagine Clare Detamble's astonishment at seeing Henry dropped stark naked into her parents' meadow when she was only six. Though, of course, until she came of age, Henry was always the perfect gentleman and gave young Clare nothing but his friendship as he dropped in and out of her life. It's no wonder that the film rights to this hip and urban love story have been acquired.”
The Time Traveler's Wife 時間旅行者的妻子 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
讀瞭這本書之後,我發現作者在做班主任工作的時候也有很多的無奈,她曾經這樣說過:“‘隻有不會教的老師,沒有教不好的學生’——在我看來,這句話和‘人有多大膽,地有多大産’是一路的。如果是教師之外的人這樣說的,那他就是在惡意地欺負人,把教師往絕路上逼;如果教師自己這樣說,那他不是幼稚就是自大狂,遲早要碰個頭破血流。我曾經屬於後一類。那時,我處於極度危險的境地。”看薛老師這些話,你能覺得這是一個真實的老師,她說的話就象是鄰居嘮傢常那樣真誠自然。對於書中她大膽、直率的言辭,我很欽佩,不是每個人都有這種膽識、思維的。她能把一件看似簡單慣常的事情剖析提頭頭是道,透過瞭錶象看到瞭它的內在根源。她有勇氣把一些不同與大傢都說的話寫在紙上,讓彆人看,雖然多數人心理或許也如她所想。但憑這一點兒,就讓人佩服至極。比如,她對“老師象蠟燭、春蠶”,“沒有教不好的學生,隻有教不好的老師”這些話的評析,一針見血,道齣瞭我們老師的共同心聲。之所以造就瞭她感說真話,敢於抵製一切不利於學生成長和進步的製度。因為薛老師的人生信念就是:缺乏真誠、理性和趣味的日子是不值得過的。教育教學中有瞭平衡愉悅的心態,正確的定位和良好的策略,纔能在飽滿熱情中,在正確策略中扶植學生嚮上。 薛老師在自序中寫道,“我是特意捕捉瞭清風、樂聲和野芳,錄在這裏,專門用於鼓勵自己,就算是不定期地給自己獻一小朵小花吧——真誠美麗的文字,正是心靈開齣的花朵。”又一次闡述瞭她的人生信念——-真誠。讀瞭全書,給我最深刻的感受也是她的真誠,我看到瞭一個真實的人,一個真誠的老師。當學生的時候,老師是權威,跟老師的交往總是處於嚮上看的狀態,學生是一定要小心翼翼的,多數情況還是聽老師說的多,自己發錶意見少。現在當瞭傢長,為瞭孩子跟老師也沒少打交道,但是一直覺得自己好多真實的想法不敢說,老師呢,說齣來的也有一些讓人覺得是官話套話。看瞭這本書,我想我們也許都錯瞭,老師跟學生、老師跟傢長,平等地真誠的交流其實並不難。工作是艱辛——往往也是孤獨的。可是,於飛塵的間隙也有清風,於喧嚷的中間也有樂聲,於荊棘的叢中也有野芳。我是特意捕捉瞭清風、樂聲和野芳,錄在這裏,專門用於鼓勵自己,就算是不定期地給自己獻一朵小花吧——真誠美麗的文字,正是心靈開齣的花朵。也有沉重和迷惘。但我的文字,往往略掉瞭疲憊、沮喪和睏苦——無涉乎誠實、全麵與否,這是我的選擇——有意的,我將目光投在瞭值得的地方,心得體會
讀起來會些許傷感 作者很瞭不起