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John Cheever 英文原版 [精裝]

John Cheever 著


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齣版社: penguin
叢書名: Library of America (Hardcover)

John Cheever 英文原版 [精裝] epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2025


John Cheever 英文原版 [精裝] epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2025

John Cheever 英文原版 [精裝] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025



John Cheever's stories rank among the finest achievements of 20th-century short fiction. Ensnared by the trappings of affluence, adrift in the emptiness of American prosperity, his characters find themselves in the midst of dramas that, however comic, pose profound questions about conformity and class, pleasure and propriety, and the conduct and meaning of an individual life. At the same time, the stories reveal their author to be a master whose prose is at once precise and sensuous, in which a shrewd eye for social detail is paired with a lyric sensitivity to the world at large. The constants that I look for, he wrote in the preface to The Stories of John Cheever, are a love of light and a determination to trace some moral chain of being.

By the late 1940s Cheever had come into his own as a writer, achieving a breakthrough in 1947 with the Kafkaesque tale "The Enormous Radio." It was soon followed by works of startling fluency and power, such as the unsettling Torch Song, with its suggestion of menace and the uncanny, as well as the searing, beautiful treatment of fraternal conflict, "Goodbye, My Brother." Finally, when Cheever and his family moved to Westchester County in the 1950s, he began writing about the disappointments of postwar suburbia in such definitive classics as "The Sorrows of Gin," "The Five-Forty-Eight," "The Country Husband," and "The Swimmer."

This volume, published to coincide with Blake Bailey's groundbreaking biography, is the largest collection of Cheever's stories ever published, and celebrates his indelible achievement by gathering the complete Stories of John Cheever (1978), as well as seven stories from The Way Some People Live and seven additional stories first published in periodicals between 1930 and 1953. Also included are several short essays on writers and writing, including a previously unpublished speech on Saul Bellow.


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A Booker Award winning fictional autobiography of an Australian 'bushranger' in the late 1800's written as a series of letters to his daughter purportedly in the style of Ned Kelly, an uneducated son of a transport convict who, despite good intentions, finds himself at the notorious head of an outlaw gang. Apparently Kelly was in fact a real person unbeknownst to me and this is based on his life and his dramatic death.


A Booker Award winning fictional autobiography of an Australian 'bushranger' in the late 1800's written as a series of letters to his daughter purportedly in the style of Ned Kelly, an uneducated son of a transport convict who, despite good intentions, finds himself at the notorious head of an outlaw gang. Apparently Kelly was in fact a real person unbeknownst to me and this is based on his life and his dramatic death.


Cheever的小說沒怎麼看過,買一本看看。盧弼在《覆鬍綏之先生書》中,對前人研究、考訂《三國誌》的成果,作瞭評價:“竹汀、晦之,昆仲濟美,如論精核,弟遜於兄。少章、慕廬,能見其大。大宗補注,精義無多。安溪侃侃,義正辭嚴。甌北、西莊,談鋒犀利。稚安考證,多詳日月。東潛注補,包貫眾流。侯、姚藝文,姚為繁富。瀋引書目,後來居先。梁氏旁證,喜摭異聞。瑣言晚齣,持論衡平。援鶉筆記,非其專長。孟慈職官,頗稱明備,洪、謝、吳、楊,詳述疆域。劉氏知意,專主實齋。官本考證,剽竊何、陳,專攻明監,所見已隘,紀傳莫辨,廩祿虛糜。諸傢成書,短長互見。”這一段話,涉及錢大昕《廿二史考異》、錢大昭《三國誌辨疑》、陳景雲《三國誌辨誤》、杭世駿《三國誌補注》、趙翼《廿二史劄記》、王鳴盛《十七史商榷》、潘眉《三國誌考證》、趙一清《三國誌注補》、侯康《補三國藝文誌》、姚振宗《三國藝文誌》、瀋傢本《三國誌注所引書目》、梁章钜《三國誌旁證》、瀋傢本《三國誌瑣言》、姚範《援鶉堂筆記》、洪飴孫《三國職官錶》、洪亮吉《補三國疆域誌》、謝鍾英《補三國疆域誌補注》、吳增僅《三國郡縣錶》、楊守敬《三國郡縣錶補正》、劉鹹炘《三國誌知意》等書。這不過是《集解》引書的一小部分。可惜《集解》未附錄“引用書目”,引書時一般隻標作者姓名,而不標書名篇名(個彆的除外),讀者感到查檢不便。 在上述古籍中,盧弼對趙一清(東潛)《三國誌注補》的評價最高,但也指齣其不足之處。盧弼引書,有三種情況:一是隻引用,無補充;二是引用之後,有所發揮;三是引用之後,進行辨駁。他在《序例》中,對第三種情況,作瞭說明:“諸傢箋注,東潛最為繁富,然秕稗留遺,愆違盈目,隨文糾正,無所隱飾。推之眾說,亦復雲然。或謂既知乖舛,即宜芟除,奚為存錄,徒穢篇章。不知摭拾不周,人疑闕漏,匡矯不力,慮失真詮,雖雲辭費,實非貿然。”可見《集解》所追求的目標是,引書既要全而不漏,又不能聽任謬說傳播。古籍因年代久遠,讀者難以明瞭,需要為之作注。注釋因年代久遠,讀者也難以明瞭,需要為之作疏。盧弼繼承這個傳統,既為《三國誌》作注,又為裴注作疏,他在《序例》中,說明這樣做的理由:“或謂陳誌簡潔,注釋宜詳,裴注明通,奚事詮解。不知世期所采,都為魏晉名編,流傳到今,悉成故書雅記。溫公《通鑒》,摘取頗多,身之音注,亦極暢達。(《通鑒》多采裴注,鬍氏於所采者多有注)理宜搜羅,藉便瀏覽。注傢有疏,已成先例,麯摺剖判,不厭求詳。亦有裴注偶誤,間存商榷,疑滯掃除,敷暢厥指,亦學者所有事也。”裴注完成於元嘉六年(429),1500多年來的研究、考訂成果很多,盧弼加以收集、整理,並發錶自己的見解,寫入《集解》中,不僅給讀者帶來方便,而且增加瞭《集解》的學術價值。試舉一例,以見盧弼兼注《三國誌》正文和裴注,是必要的,不是多馀的。 《魏書·武帝紀》裴注引《魏書》:“太尉橋玄,世名知人,睹太祖而異之,曰:‘吾見天下名士多矣,未有若君者也!君善自持。吾老矣!願以妻子為托。'由是聲名益重。” 《集解》:“《世說·識鑒篇》:曹公少時見橋玄,玄謂曰:天下方亂,群雄虎爭,撥而理之,非君乎?然君實是亂世之英雄,治世之奸賊。恨吾老矣,不見君富貴,當以子孫相纍。劉孝標注以《世說》所言為謬。弼按:劉注是。若橋公謂為奸賊,魏武必不祀以太牢矣。” 《魏書·武帝紀》裴注引孫盛《異同雜語》:“(太祖)嘗問許子將:‘我何如人?'子將不答。固問之,子將曰:‘子治世之能臣,亂世之奸雄。'” 《集解》:“鬍三省曰:言其纔絕世也。天下治則盡其能為世用,天下亂則逞其智為時雄。弼按:二語實為確論,無愧汝南月旦之評。《蜀誌·許靖傳》:靖與曹公書雲:自竄蠻貊,成闊十年,吉凶禮廢。昔在會稽,得所貽書,辭旨款密,久要不忘。是魏武與子將昆仲夙有雅故。少年即與名流結納,可知其人。鬍玉縉曰:二語恐孫盛因晉承魏祚,有所避忌,加以竄改,當以範書《許劭傳》為得其實。後丕深嫉月旦,欲取其首,未始不由於此,況劭本鄙操者乎!



A Booker Award winning fictional autobiography of an Australian 'bushranger' in the late 1800's written as a series of letters to his daughter purportedly in the style of Ned Kelly, an uneducated son of a transport convict who, despite good intentions, finds himself at the notorious head of an outlaw gang. Apparently Kelly was in fact a real person unbeknownst to me and this is based on his life and his dramatic death.


A Booker Award winning fictional autobiography of an Australian 'bushranger' in the late 1800's written as a series of letters to his daughter purportedly in the style of Ned Kelly, an uneducated son of a transport convict who, despite good intentions, finds himself at the notorious head of an outlaw gang. Apparently Kelly was in fact a real person unbeknownst to me and this is based on his life and his dramatic death.

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