番茄果實成熟中的果膠甲酯酶:英文 Bo Wen Shidong,Zhu Gregory T pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
圖書基本信息 | |
圖書名稱 | 番茄果實成熟中的果膠甲酯酶:英文 |
作者 | Bo Wen Shidong,Zhu Gregory Tucker |
定價 | 40.00元 |
齣版社 | 中國農業科學技術齣版社 |
ISBN | 9787511624116 |
齣版日期 | 2015-12-01 |
字數 | |
頁碼 | 132 |
版次 | 1 |
裝幀 | 平裝 |
開本 | 32開 |
商品重量 | 0.4Kg |
內容簡介 | |
《番茄果實成熟中的果膠甲酯酶(英文版)》主要介紹作者在英國研究期間從事園藝植物番茄生理生化、遺傳育種、果實采後貯藏加工等生物學的研究與實驗等方麵所取得的新成果。 |
作者簡介 | |
目錄 | |
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Fruit 1.1.1 General introduction 1.1.2 Tomato 1.2 Fruit ripening 1.2.1 Colour, flavour and texture changes ifruit ripening 1.2.2 Ethylene ifruit ripening 1.3 Plant cell wall 1.3.1 General introduction 1.3.2 Cell wall ponents 1.3.3 Cell wall structure 1.4 Cell wall enzymes 1.4.1 Polygalacturonase (PG) 1.4.2 Pectate lyases 1.4.3 β-Galactosidase 1.4.4 Expansin 1.5 Pectinmethylesterase 1.5.1 PE proteins 1.5.2 PE modes of actioand regulation 1.5.3 PE genes and isoforms 1 5.4 Tomato PE antisense lines CHAPTER 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Plant material 2.1.1 Tomato growth and maintenance 2.1.2 Crossing tomato 2.2 Chemicals 2.3 Fruit texture analysis 2.4 Biochemical methods 2.4.1 Extractioof crude proteifrom tomato fruits 2.4.2 Bio-Rad (Bradford) proteiassay 2.4.3 Pectinesterase assay 2.4.4 Hepariaffinity chromatography 2.4.5 PE profile assay 2.4.6 Concentratioof pooled PE isoforms 2.4.7 Total leaf proteiextractiofor SDS PAGE analysis. 2.4.8 Making acetone insoluble solid (AIS) 2.4.9 Determinatioof degree of esterificatio(DE) of the pectiby titration 2.4.10 Extractioof CDTA Soluble Pectin 2.4.11 Determinatioof Neutral Sugars 2.4.12 Determinatioof uronic acid 2.5 Molecular biological methods 2.5.1 DNA extractiofrom tomato leaves 2.5.2 DNA measurement 2.5.3 Polymerase chaireactio(PCR) 2.5.4 Restrictioenzyme digestion 2.5.5 Agarose gel electrophoresis 2.5.6 DNA sequence (MWG value read) 2.5.7 PCR product purificatioby Perfectprep Gel Cleanup Kit (Eppendorf): 2.6 Immunochemistry and immunolabelling 2.6.1 Immunodot assay 2.6.2 Immunolocalization 2.7 Statistics 2.8 Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) 2.8.1 Enzyme digests 2.8.2 CE CHAPTER 3 GENERATION OF DOUBLE ANTISENSE PLANTS 3.1 Plant generation 3.2 Generatioof the double antisense plants 3.3 PE Isoform profilers of double antisense plants 3.3.1 PE extractiomethod optimisation 3.3.2 PE profiles itomato fruit 3.4 Summary CHAPTER 4 CHARACTERIZATION OF PE SINGLE AND DOUBLE ANTISENSE PLANTS 4.1 Fruit PE activity,and morphology analysis 4.1.1 Generatioof wild-type controls 4.1.2 Fruit PE activities 4.1.3 Fruit morphology and softening 4.2 Cell wall ponent analysis 4.2.1 UA iacetone insoluble solids (AIS) and CDTA soluble pectin 4.2.2 DE of pectiiAIS 4.2.3 Neutral sugar analysis by GC 4.3 Capillary electrophoresis (CE) of pectin 4.3.1 DE of CDTA soluble pectin 4.3.2 CE profiles of PG digested CDTA soluble pectin 4.4 Characterizatioof antisense lines using monodonal antibodies 4.4.1 Immuno-dot blot analysis of CDTA soluble pectin 4.4.2 Immunolocalization: Fruit pericarp 4.4.3 Immunolocalization: Stem 4.5 Summary 4.5.1 Biochemical and morphological study 4.5.2 Immunological study CHAPTER 5 USE OF ANTISENSE LINES FOR PE ISOFORMS ANALYSIS 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Effect of pH oPE activity 5.3 PE isoform profiling 5.3.1 Fruit 5.3.2 Stem 5.3.3 Leaf 5.4 Summary CHAPTER 6 OVERALL DISCUSSION 6.1 Role of PE during fruit ripening 6.2 PE isoforms ivegetative tissues 6.3 Unstable PE1 expressioidouble antisense lines. 6.4 Future work REFERENCES |
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