IT’S MY TYPE設計師的字體 英文字體字型設計手冊書籍 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
本書通過與全球各地的視覺設計師的對話、作品的展示和分析,帶領讀者進入“設計師的字體世界”,去瞭解當下設計行業中字體的發展和應用。訪談對象包括颱灣的聶永真和王誌弘,希臘的PanosVassiliou,巴西的Rodrigo Saiani,法國的Benoit Bodhuin等知名設計師。
Typeface is one of the greatest designs, enjoying a supreme reputation in graphic communication. For every graphic designer, typeface design and application is an everlasting pursuit.
This book strives to display and interpret typeface designs along with interviews with various designers. To understand the development and application of typeface and to lead readers into the world of typeface, this book has invited designers, including Aaron Nieh and Zhihong Wang from Taiwan, PanosVassiliou from Greece, Rodrigo Saiani from Brazil, Benoit Bodhuin from France and so forth, to share their insights into typeface.
Selling Points:
A display and interpretation of a large quantity of excellent typeface designs
Interviews with renowned designerstalking about typeface design and its application
Accompanied by a typeface guide with great practicability
A. Amigos del MALBA?
branding,simple, museum activities promotion
Nicolás Vasino / Empatía?——2013
The mission of "Malba Joven"(Young Malba) membership is to promote the Museum of Latino American Art ofBuenos Aires (MALBA)'s activities, to support the collection and enjoyexclusive benefits including special events and unlimited free entry toexhibitions.
Malba Joven會員的任務是宣傳布宜諾斯艾利斯拉丁美洲藝術博物館的活動,支持藏品的收藏,參與一些特彆的活動和免費參觀展覽。
Second Hand Orchestra
Designer: Mattias Amn?s
Studio: Bedow
This is Visual identityand packaging forSecond Hand Orchestra’s eponymous album and was released on the Sing a SongFighter label.The tracks on the album were originally recorded for adocumentary series but when the project was cancelled the band leaderKarl-Jonas Winqvist decided to reuse the music for an LP — now under the nameSecond Hand Orchestra.
這是為Second Hand Orchestra同名專輯設計的視覺形象和包裝。專輯由音樂廠牌Sing a Song Fighter發行。專輯內的樂麯原來是用於一部紀錄片的,然而項目取消後,樂隊隊長Karl-Jonas Winqvist決定將這些音樂獨立發行。
IT’S MY TYPE設計師的字體 英文字體字型設計手冊書籍 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載