我從新疆來(英文版) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025



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齣版社: 新世界齣版社

我從新疆來(英文版) epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2025


我從新疆來(英文版) epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2025

我從新疆來(英文版) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025









Preface by Wang Meng: The Brightness of I Am from Xinjiangon theSilk Road
Preface by Na Risong: Fellow Members of theChinaFamily
My Past 30 Years
The Inseparable Bond of Love
Footprints for Future Generations
Home Is Best
The Long Journey to Dream Fulfillment
A Feel of Xinjiang through Differences
Epilogue by Huang Zhangjin: Where Am I from?
Postscript byKurbanjian Samat: I Am from Xinjiang


  Preface 1
  The Brightness of I Am from Xinjiang on theSilk Road
  Half a century ago, when ourcountry was going through trials, I settled down in rural Xinjiang and livedwith people of different ethnic backgrounds, including Uyghur farmers andintellectuals. They welcomed me with open arms and received me with kindnessand trust. I was immersed in the liveliness and vitality of the Uyghurlanguage, reveled in the love and friendship amongst different ethnic groupsand relished the region’s uniquely multi-ethnic culture. Under limited circumstances,I spent my prime years (between 29 and 45) in the best possible way, peacefullysailing through the turbulence of the Cultural Revolution, acquiring as muchknowledge as I could, and building up experiences that were radically differentfrom those of my earlier years. Moreover, I completed my “postdoctoral” studiesin the Uyghur language, which I consider as the crowning moment of my “adultceremony.” As I used to brag in a joking manner, I began to take on a sense ofboldness and pride typical of the people of Yining.
  I used to tell theHong Kongmedia that “the people of all ethnicities inXinjiang are my greatest benefactors!” My words caused the eyes of thosepresent glisten with tears.
  Nonetheless, headlines in recentyears concerning various parts of our country have been very worrisome. Peoplebegan to wonder what is happening in Xinjiang. Just in time, a handsome andwell-educated young Uyghur named Kurbanjan showed up. He is a seasonedphotographer from Xinjiang who works at CCTV,China’spredominant state television broadcaster based inBeijing. He has travelled extensively both inand outsideChina, visitingcities in Europe, North and South America, Asia andAfrica.He is energetic, smart, capable and optimistic. He is trailblazing his careerpath, broadening his horizons at home and abroad and enjoying life just likeany other Chinese national. He has met hardships, but has prevailed; he has hadresentment in his heart, but has decided to let go; he has run into traps, buthas managed to get out and begun to move on in big strides. He has producedbeautiful pictures and texts to show us how Xinjiangers of different ethnicitiesin both rural and urban areas spend time working and studying, how they improvethemselves and merge with those in their locality, how they forge ahead topursue goals and triumph, and how they manage to live a happy, healthy and peaceful life. Some of them have already gone on the express trains orspeedboats of modernization, others are striding along the sweet and smoothroad of seeking an affluent life. Full of positive energy, they arecontributing their sweat, living out their best and savoring the bliss of life.
  The author wants to drive home the followingideas: 1)Chinais big just as the world is big; 2) life is broader than we think; 3)development induces improvement; 4) optimism begets self-respect; 5) confidencecreates miracles; and 6) friendship and goodwill harvest the same in return. Hewants to tell the world that Xinjiangers are kind, diligent, sharp, andcommitted to what they do, that the policy of reform and opening has providedUyghurs and other ethnicities with unprecedented potential for development andthat, faced with unparalleled opportunity, the Chinese people can go frompettiness to tolerance, from poverty to wealth, from backwardness to developmentand from bewilderment and anxiety to sober-minded command of their own destiny.
  The pictures and first-person narratives inthe book remind us that in order to bring about a bright future for Xinjiang,we should resolutely eradicate external terrorist forces and a limited minorityof extremists. More importantly, we should equip Xinjiang compatriots with fasttracks of modernization, or in more concrete terms, provide them withscientific knowledge, information about the rest of the world and concepts ofmodernization, while fully respecting the cultural traditions and customs ofall ethnic groups.
  We must expand our vision and capacities andlet the light of knowledge disperse the shadows in our hearts. We mustencourage ourselves by giving ourselves a round of applause for thebreath-taking changes we have made. We must look with open eyes at the futureof the world and of our country and at our process of modernization. Theshort-lived nonsensical and evil words and acts will by no means kidnap thedestiny of Xinjiang. We are broadening our horizons; we are taking big strides;we are clearing up all hurdles and getting ready for a bright and sunny future!
  Cheers to Kurbanjan! Cheers to alloutstanding Uyghurs, Kazaks and all other ethnicities of Xinjiang! Cheers tothe publication of this wonderful book!
  writer and scholar


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