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Day 09 名詞後“動詞不定式”剪枝!
I have no boyfriend to meet.
主語和賓語的位置處放名詞,或具有名詞性質的詞,而且名詞還可以添加修飾語錶達更詳細的內容,其中最常見的就是動詞不定式,就是在名詞後加上修飾名詞的“to +動詞原形”,這麼理解就可以瞭。
I have no boyfriend to meet and no money to spend over the Christmas holiday.
boyfriend (to meet) 要見的男朋友,money (to spend) 要花的錢
I have no boyfriend and no money.
另外,不僅名詞後能接動詞不定式,一個完整的句子前麵或後麵也可接動詞不定式,錶示“為瞭……目的”,可以剪枝。例如:I took a taxi to go there. 即使去掉“為瞭去那個地方(to go there)”,句子核心意義也不會受到影響,所以可以剪枝。
準備運動 試試用括號把學過的“枝”括起來,隻閱讀句子的核心部分。
例 Disneyland is an ideal place (to visit on a vacation).
1. Hollywood action movies are fun to watch on the weekend.
2. Paris is a wonderful city to go shopping with your friends.
3. She studied abroad to broaden her horizons.
4. Many students go abroad to improve their English.
5. You should try scuba diving to enjoy the underwater beauty.
係列03 瞭解 iPod的曆史嗎?
第1階段 試試把前麵學習過的“小枝”用括號括起來,隻閱讀這篇文章的核心。
The iPod’s history goes back to 2000. Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, found that existing digital music players were too large to carry and had abysmal features. As the demand to download digital music grew, Apple decided to create its own MP3 player. On October 23, 2001, the iPod was born. Jobs announced, “Listening to music will never be the same again.” In July 2002, the first Windows-compatible iPod was released. Then, in April 2003, a third-generation iPod with touch controls hit the market. This gave consumers an entirely new way to enjoy music. In January 2004, the glamorous iPod mini made its debut in a choice of five metallic colors. In September 2005, the iPod nano was released. This nifty device was slimmer than a pencil. Since then, this iconic piece has been expanding its reach by leaps and bounds, thanks to its high-tech quality and irresistible design.
Quiz 剪枝後隻閱讀剩下的部分,迴答下麵的問題。
1 The high quality of existing digital music players led Steve Jobs to launch a new project. ( T / F )
2 The iPod nano was slightly bigger than a pencil. ( T / F )
existing [?g?z?st??] 現存的 | abysmal [??b?zm?l] 糟透的,深淵的 | demand [d??mɑ:nd] 需求 | announce [??na?ns] 發錶 | compatible [k?m?pæt?bl] 兼容的 | release [r??li:s] 上市,發布 | hit the market 投放市場 | consumer [k?n?sju:m?] 消費者 | entirely [?n?ta??l?] 完全地 | glamorous [?glæm?r?s] 富有魅力的 | metallic [m??tæl?k] 金屬的 | nifty [?n?ft?] 漂亮的,俏皮的 | iconic [a??k?n?k] 圖標的 | expand [?k?spænd] 擴張 | reach [ri:t?] 範圍 | by leaps and bounds 飛速地 | irresistible [??r??z?st?bl] 不可抗拒的,誘人的
第2階段 確認剪枝。
The iPod’s history goes (back) to (2000) . Steve Jobs, the CEO (of Apple) , found that
iPod的曆史要 (追溯) (到2000年)。史蒂芬?喬布斯,執行總裁 (蘋果的),
existing digital music players were too large to (carry) and had abysmal features. As the
發現現有的數碼音樂播放器太大瞭 (拿著), 而且外觀也很糟糕。
demand (to download digital music) grew, * Apple decided to create its own MP3 player.
隨著需求(下載數碼音樂的) 增加, 蘋果決定製造它自己的MP3播放器。
(On October 23, 2001) , the iPod was born. Jobs announced, “Listening to music will never
(2001年10月23日), iPod誕生瞭。 喬布斯發錶聲明: “聽音樂將永遠不
be the same (again) .” (In July 2002) , the first Windows-compatible iPod was released.
相同 (再)。” (2002年7月), 第一個Windows兼容的iPod上市瞭。
(Then) , (in April 2003) , a third-generation iPod (with touch controls) hit the market. This
(之後),(2003年4月), 第三代iPod (帶觸控的) 投入市場。 這
gave consumers an (entirely) new way (to enjoy music) . (In January 2004), the glamorous
給消費者帶來 (全) 新的方式 (享受音樂的)。 (2004年1月), 富有魅力的
iPod mini made its debut (in a choice) (of five metallic colors). (In September 2005), the
iPod mini首次登颱 (可以有選擇的)(五種金屬顔色的)。 (2005年9月),
iPod nano was released. The nifty device was slimmer than a pencil. (Since then) , this
iPod nano上市。 俏皮的裝置比鉛筆還苗條。 (從那以後), 這個
iconic piece has been expanding its reach (by leaps and bounds), (thanks to its high-tech
圖標擴張著它的範圍 (飛速地),
quality and irresistible design).
第3階段 仔細閱讀整體脈絡,掌握細節。
第4階段 反復聽mp3,完成聽力部分。剪枝09-3.mp3
Apple decided to create its own MP3 player中有動詞不定式,如果像Apple decided (to create its own MP3 player)這樣剪枝的話是不行的。隻有修飾名詞的起到形容詞作用的動詞不定式和在完整的句子後修飾整個句子的動詞不定式纔可以剪枝。上麵的句子中to create作動詞decide的賓語使用,所以不可以剪枝。
懂剪枝的話,也能迅速解答語法題! 原級、最高級篇
例 That building across the street is the ______ one in the city of Chicago.
A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. most tallest
第1階段 剪枝 That building (across the street) is the ________ one (in the city of Chicago).
第2階段 應用語法 空格前有形容詞或副詞最高級必須用到的the,後麵又齣現和最高級搭配的in,所以最高級tallest是正確答案。
正確答案 C
語法知識 1. 句子後麵有in, of, among, that I have ever seen等詞語時,使用形容詞或副詞的最高級-est或在其前添加most。
2. 最高級前還可以加far, second, much等副詞。
3. 同級比較,使用“as+形容詞/副詞+as”的結構。
1. Shoppers can now purchase many products to make their lives more
convenient at the __________ price of the season.
A. low B. lower C. lowest D. most lowest
2. The shopping mall will be as big __________ the building next to it.
A. as B. than C. much D. more
3. Among all the teams, ours developed th 易人外語:英文閱讀看這本就夠瞭大全集 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
易人外語:英文閱讀看這本就夠瞭大全集 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載