The High-Rise Private Eyes #4: The Case of the Troublesome Turtle (I Can Read, Level 2) [平裝] [6-8歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
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齣版社: HarperCollins US
叢書名: I Can Read, Level 2
The High-Rise Private Eyes #4: The Case of the Troublesome Turtle (I Can Read, Level 2) [平裝] [6-8歲] epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2025
The High-Rise Private Eyes #4: The Case of the Troublesome Turtle (I Can Read, Level 2) [平裝] [6-8歲] epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2025
The High-Rise Private Eyes #4: The Case of the Troublesome Turtle (I Can Read, Level 2) [平裝] [6-8歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
適讀人群 :6-8歲 This fourth title in the appealing series begins on a quiet Sunday. Private eye Bunny Brown is painting a portrait of her restless raccoon partner Jack Jones when their neighbor Mr. Paris, a hippo, stops by with a case.
哈佛大學教育學博士硃莉嚮您推薦“I Can Read!係列”: 內容簡介
An Air of Mystery
Mr. Paris ties balloons outside his toy store every morning. On Fridays, the balloons disappear! What is special about Fridays? And who is taking the balloons?
This sounds like a case for the High-Rise Private Eyes -- Bunny Brown and Jack Jones, ace detectives and very best friends!
Cynthia Rylant was awarded a Newbery Medal for her novel Missing May and a Newbery Honor for A Fine White Dust. She is the author of several popular series for the beginning reader, including the "Henry and Mudge" books. Cynthia Rylant lives with her family in Washington State.
"Bunny Brown, a rabbit, is attempting to paint a portrait of Jack Jones, a raccoon, when the owner of the toy store across the street enlists their help. Mr. Paris is troubled by the repeated theft of the balloons that he keeps tied outside his shop. Private eyes Bunny and Jack diligently follow the trail of clues, which leads them to a school football game. There they find the culprit and tie up loose ends so that everyone is happy and no one gets into trouble. This is a fast-moving introduction to the mystery genre. Emerging readers will be interested in how Bunny and Jack find, interpret, and follow up on clues. They will also get a chuckle from the solution. Karas's acrylic, gouache, and pencil illustrations have a simple, angular quality that suits the book's urban setting. Visible pencil strokes show movement, capturing Bunny's and Jack's exuberant personalities and the plot's swift pace. These characters are not as sweet or as endearing as Rylant's Mr. Putter and Tabby, Henry and Mudge, or Poppleton, but the story is driven more by plot than characters and is a good choice for libraries with a big demand for mysteries."
--School Library Journal
The High-Rise Private Eyes #4: The Case of the Troublesome Turtle (I Can Read, Level 2) [平裝] [6-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
The High-Rise Private Eyes #4: The Case of the Troublesome Turtle (I Can Read, Level 2) [平裝] [6-8歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
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This fourth title in the appealing series begins on a quiet Sunday. Private eye Bunny Brown is painting a portrait of her restless raccoon partner Jack Jones when their neighbor Mr. Paris, a hippo, stops by with a case.This fourth title in the appealing series begins on a quiet Sunday. Private eye Bunny Brown is painting a portrait of her restless raccoon partner Jack Jones when their neighbor Mr. Paris, a hippo, stops by with a case.This fourth title in the appealing series begins on a quiet Sunday. Private eye Bunny Brown is painting a portrait of her restless raccoon partner Jack Jones when their neighbor Mr. Paris, a hippo, stops by with a case.This fourth title in the appealing series begins on a quiet Sunday. Private eye Bunny Brown is painting a portrait of her restless raccoon partner Jack Jones when their neighbor Mr. Paris, a hippo, stops by with a case.
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The High-Rise Private Eyes #4: The Case of the Troublesome Turtle (I Can Read, Level 2) [平裝] [6-8歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載