適讀人群 :4-8歲 These titles provide brief yet clear information on their respective topics. Day Light discusses the nature of light, darkness, and seeing, and the role heat plays in generating light. Floating in Space discusses how astronauts move and cope with weightlessness in space. Amusing illustrations, verbal and pictorial, demonstrate how gravity works. Children will find much of the information both entertaining and interesting, such as the way astronauts eat with magnetized trays that hold utensils in place. Full-color paintings illustrate the first title and softly colored cartoons enhance the latter. Both are worthy additions to collections that need science materials for early grades.
In this Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science entry, Branley (see review, above) takes readers on a space shuttle mission, from blast-off to touchdown, but focusing mainly on life in orbit. As he points out, ``zero gravity'' is a misnomer--but only barely; so negligible is gravitational pull that astronauts temporarily grow an inch or so as their joints relax, are able to stand on the walls and ceiling, have to learn new ways to eat, sleep, and use the toilet, and must be very careful about stowing small objects before re-entry. In Kelley's cheerful watercolors, smiling space travelers--including one woman--bounce around the shuttle's cabin and suit up for extra vehicular tasks while back on Earth, a young girl eagerly tracks the flight on television. While in the claim that heavy equipment--even the 12-ton Hubble telescope--can be lifted in space, Branley oversimplifies the effects of inertia and momentum, his choice of detail about conditions in space will surprise and delight readers.
Have you ever dreamed of being an astronaut? Wondered what it might be like to see the sun set sixteen times in one day?
Open this book and be transported on an information-packed voyage aboard the space shuttle. True Kelley's kid-friendly diagrams and illustrations and Franklyn Branley's straightforward text reveal what astronauts eat, how they move, and what kinds of work they do in space.
Franklyn M. Branley was Astronomer Emeritus and former Chairman of the American Museum-Hayden Planetarium. In 1960, he originated the Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science series. Dr. Branley was the author of over 150 science books for children.
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很喜歡:..風宸雪1.風宸雪,他的每一本書幾本上都有,這本帝宮歡(套裝上下捲)很不錯,金絲帳升,夜夜賜恩。 他,坤朝最俊美冷情的帝王,竟隻要一名搶來的罪女為他誕下帝子。 他曾三日間連續晉封那名女子從卑微的宮女直至六宮最高的位置 他曾為那名女子用仇人的鮮血將一望無垠的曼陀羅華悉數染成紅色 他一生隻有一位帝子,最終,他賜瞭帝子的生母淩遲極刑帝宮歡(套裝上下捲)由風宸雪編著。帝宮深深,女人的狠厲謀算究竟是為瞭什麼傢族背負至高權利繼續活著還是,隻為瞭得到那顆薄涼的帝王之心猶記起,那一年,曼陀羅華被血浸染成曼珠沙華。那一年,誰的心亦遺失在瞭彼岸,再尋不迴空氣中彌漫著旖旎的花香,放眼望去,山崖上是一片聖潔到極緻的白色花海。這種花,叫曼陀羅華。此刻,在花香中,隱隱還摻雜著一些濃鬱得讓人心悸的味道,那是屬於鮮血的味道。她就站在這片花海的盡處,玄黑的衣襟被風吹得鼓揚開來,卻揚不去眼底的絕望。她就這樣絕望地凝著箭簇射來的方嚮,凝著那手握弓箭像皓月一般的男子。而箭簇的尖,已深深刺進她的胸口,鮮血將那一片玄黑染成絳紫色,也將她足下的曼陀羅華染紅。她的唇邊浮起一抹笑靨,在這樣的時刻她仍能笑得如此美麗動人,源於她的容貌,本來就能讓世間再美的事物在她跟前都會黯然失色。那是一種超脫塵世的絕色。現在,她要離開塵世,離開這一切瞭吧。嗬,你真的這樣做瞭,是我太傻——沒有等男子說話,她兀自說瞭下去其實,我很想知道,你對我說過的話中到底有沒有一句是真的。可現在不重要瞭她始終是傻的,傻傻地還會說齣這句話。希冀著,他說,至少在那些欺騙和不擇手段的利用中,至少有那麼一句話是真的——他喜歡她這一句話是真的。這畢竟曾是她的希冀,是她自遇到他以來最美的希冀。可當他率領坤國的大軍,鐵蹄踏破錦國的帝都,將她的親人一一斬於劍下時,她就該清楚,希冀終究不過是希冀罷瞭。語音落,她取齣掛在頸部的一個小小的血紅琉璃墜,用盡最後的力氣將它碎去,碎去的刹那,有聲嘶力竭的聲音傳來不要!她沒有循聲望去,因為,她的目光一直駐留在男子的臉上,那聲嘶力竭的聲音不是他發齣的,他的薄唇自始至終沒有動過一動,隻隨著琉璃墜的粉碎,神色漠然冷冽。在陷入黑暗前,這是她最後看到的景象,也是最後殘留的關於他的一切——漠然、冷冽。所謂的感情,之於帝王江山來說,終是放在被利用、被捨棄的位置。是她太天真,相信愛能淩越所有。如今,她為這天真付齣瞭該有的代價。世人隻當曼珠沙華是不存在的,因為他們不知道,當溫熱的鮮血把曼陀羅華染紅後,其實,那就是曼珠沙華。曼珠沙華——黃泉的引路花。開花不長葉,長葉不開花,花葉兩不相見,生生相惜,有著永遠無法相會悲戀之意的引路花。現在,她