I Spy: Ultimate Challenger!: A Book of Picture Riddles 視覺大發現係列: 終極挑戰 [精裝] [4歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
適讀人群 :4歲及以上 I Spy is an award-winning best-selling (The New York Times Best Seller List) children's book series with texts written by Jean Marzollo and photographs by Walter Wick published by Scholastic Press.The photographs in the book were of many familiar objects. The riddles list objects to be found by the reader. The riddles are written in rhythm and rhyme. To play I SPY a child needs only the visual discrimination and a vocabulary of familiar objects. 這是一套奇妙的視覺益智遊戲書,由美國知名攝影傢沃爾特?維剋和兒童教育專傢聯手打造,全球銷量已經突破20,000,000冊,是暢銷近二十年的全球視覺益智遊戲的經典之作。本書曾榮獲美國育兒類齣版物奬、《父母雜誌》書籍奬、紐約公共圖書館百本圖書奬等十餘項殊榮。 這是一套視覺奇觀珍品。每本書裏包含讓人目眩神迷的上萬件物品和300項視覺發現遊戲。每一張謎題圖都是一幅攝影藝術精品,無論是玩具工廠還是海底世界,漂亮的景物既可以吸引讀者進行認知,豐富讀者的視覺經驗、又可供欣賞,給讀者美的熏陶。 這是一套可讓任何年齡段的孩子都可以參與的互動寶典,它可以讓不同發展水平的孩子都能在視覺遊戲中獲得成功的喜悅和自我激勵。鍛煉孩子觀察更細緻性、反應更敏捷,培養孩子遭遇挫摺時的意誌品質。書中的照片上看似雜亂無章的物品陳設,都經過精心的設計和擺放,讓孩子突破心理定勢、駕馭豐富聯想、躲避視覺圈套,在完成各種找尋任務中體驗發現的樂趣和頓悟的驚喜。 這是一套常看常新的魔術寶書。每次翻開,都會有一些意想不到的新靈感、新發現。每本書的末尾還特彆為觀察高手提供瞭展示自我的空間,你可以將書中沒有提到卻被你發現的非常隱秘的各種東西記錄下來,或者嘗試為所發現的謎題編寫神奇的故事……
It's the Ultimate Challenge: the most difficult riddles combined with the most incredible photographs--culled from the original I Spy books--to create the most intriguing I Spy book ever!
Think you know every I Spy book out there? Think you've found every last bauble, bow, striped cat, and cloudy ship?
Think again!
Jean Marzollo has written her most challenging riddles yet to accompany Walter Wick's fabulous photographs culled from the original I Spy books.
You've never seen I Spy like this!
Jean Marzollo 已經寫齣他難的謎題來搭配Walter Wick那些精彩的圖片,相信你從來沒見過這樣的視覺大發現!
Jean Marzollo is a children's author and illustrator. Born in 1942, she has written over 130 books, including the best-selling (The New York Times Best Seller List) award-winning I SPY series for children, written completely in rhythm and rhyme.
Marzollo was born and raised in Manchester, CT to Richard and Ruth Martin.
I Spy: Ultimate Challenger!: A Book of Picture Riddles 視覺大發現係列: 終極挑戰 [精裝] [4歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
I Spy: Ultimate Challenger!: A Book of Picture Riddles 視覺大發現係列: 終極挑戰 [精裝] [4歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載