【滿40減10元】長腿叔叔 韋伯斯特原著英文原版中英文雙語書籍名著讀物英漢對照小說閱讀 高初中生課外 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
基本信息 齣版社: 吉林齣版集團有限責任公司; 第1版 (2013年6月1日) 外文書名: Daddy Long Legs 叢書名: 讀名著學英語 平裝: 226頁 語種: 簡體中文, 英語 開本: 16 條形碼: 9787553412399 商品尺寸: 23.6 x 16.8 x 1.8 cm 編輯推薦 《讀名著學英語:長腿叔叔(英漢對照)》精選國外經典、、的名傢名作,中英雙語,輕鬆閱讀。《讀名著學英語:長腿叔叔(英漢對照)》將英文原著完美縮寫,既可讓你享受原汁原味的英文魅力,又可以提高誦讀速度,增加學習興趣。每篇文章附有詞匯、句型、短語多種鞏固題型,以便讓你在短的時間裏完成復習與強化,使英語閱讀與理解能力在潛移默化中得到提升。 文摘 Chapter 17 9th June Dear Daddy-Long-Legs, Happy day! I've just finished my last examination Physiology. And now: Threemonths on a farm ! I don't know what kind of a thing a farm is. I've never been on one in my life. I'venever even looked at one (except from the car window), but I know I'm going to loveit, and I'm going to love being FREE. I am not used even yet to being outside the John Grier Home. Whenever I think ofit excited little thrills chase up and down my back. I feel as though I must run fasterand faster and keep looking over my shoulder to make sure that Mrs. Lippett isn't afterme with her arm stretched out to grab me back. I don't have to mind any one this summer, do I? Your nominal authority doesn't annoy me in the least; you are too far away to doany harm. Mrs. Lippett is dead for ever, so far as I am concerned, and the Semplesaren't expected to overlook my moral welfare, are they? No, I am sure not. I am en-tirely grown up. Hooray! I leave you now to pack a trunk, and three boxes of teakettles and dishes and so-fa cushions and books. Yours ever, Judy.
【滿40減10元】長腿叔叔 韋伯斯特原著英文原版中英文雙語書籍名著讀物英漢對照小說閱讀 高初中生課外 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載