My Reading Library我的第二個圖書館套裝(共50冊) 英文原版 [平裝] [4歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
My Reading Library
Perfect for sharing at bedtime and also a great way for children to get to grips with reading themselves as they embark on their own personal reading journey, this massive 50-book collection will quickly become a bookshelf favourite.
With gorgeous illustrations and easy-to-follow stories, the books will allow children to gradually take over a greater share of the reading, building their confidence all the time.
The stories cover wishes, magic and animals and are sure to be returned to again and again.
These favourite books have been carefully selected from The Usborne Reading Programme, developed in consultation with Alison Kelly, a leading expert in the teaching of English reading. Alison Kelly, now Principal Lecturer in English Education at Roehampton University in London, teaches all aspects of literacy. She helped to establish the principles that underpin the Usborne Reading Programme.
Of the books featured in this collection, 14 are from the Usborne First Reading Level Three, while 16 are from Level Four and a further 20 from Usborne Young Reading Series Level One.
First Reading Level Three
Level Three titles encourage the reader to develop reading stamina, increasing to 48 pages and consisting of character pages or maps and the main story (up to 450 words). The story includes a strong element of reprise or repetition, with the familiarity of repeated language chunks helping the reader to gain in confidence.
First Reading Level Four
Level Four titles build readers’ stamina still further, and are entirely devoted to the story with 48 pages (up to 750 words). The narrative is more developed, there is more text on each page, and sentence structure and vocabulary are more descriptive. Subjects include classic folk and fairy tales, original fiction and non-fiction in a narrative style.
Young Reading Series One
Series One titles are for children who have just started reading on their own, and are 48 pages (1000-1500 words) in length. They use fairly short, simple sentences and everyday vocabulary. Typically, Series One books contain several short stories or one longer story divided in to chapters. Subjects include classic fables and fairy tales, original fiction and quirky histories.
First Reading Level Three
Level Three 書目鼓勵讀者培養閱讀毅力,增加到 48 頁並包括角色頁麵或概圖、主綫劇情(450 字)。故事包括強烈的重復性元素,帶熟悉的重復語言組塊,有助於讀者獲得信心。
First Reading Level Four
書目可進一步提升讀者的毅力,以 48 頁(多達 750 字)介紹整個故事。敘事技巧更加成熟,每頁有更多文字,句子結構和詞匯都更具描述性。主題包括經典的民間童話故事、敘事風格的原創小說和非小說。
Young Reading Series One
Series One 書目適閤剛開始獨立閱讀的兒童,長度為 48 頁(1000-1500 字)。它們使用相當短、簡單的句子和日常詞匯。通常,Series One 書本包含幾個簡短的故事或一個較長的故事分為多個章節。主題包括經典寓言和童話故事、原創小說和離奇曆史。
評分Young Reading Series Level One
評分網購總有大量包裹要收,有很多評語要寫,但是總是寫評論, 又花掉瞭我大量的時間和精力,迴頭想想,我花瞭錢瞭,還要花這麼多時間和精力來寫評語,是不是很不劃算! 所以在一段時間裏,我總是不去評價或者隨便寫寫,但是我又總覺得好像對不住那些辛苦工作的賣傢,客服倉管和老闆,於是我寫下瞭一小段話,給我覺得能拿到我五星好評的賣傢的寶貝評價裏,以錶示感謝和尊敬! 首先,寶貝性價比是很高的,我每次都會先試用再評價! 雖然寶貝不一定是最好的,但是在同得,同等價位裏絕對是最棒的! 其次在於賣傢的溝通中,無論是前期谘詢還是後期詢問,賣傢都能耐心解答,另外,物流速度也是很快的,偶爾也會配送的比較慢,也希望大傢可以耐心等待,畢竟快遞小哥每天配送那麼多包裹也不容易,相信賣傢更希望我們早日收到貨,希望賣傢再接再厲,把店鋪做的更強更大,提供更多更好
My Reading Library我的第二個圖書館套裝(共50冊) 英文原版 [平裝] [4歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載