The Story of My Life——海倫·凱勒的處女作,給予人們直麵睏難的勇氣與力量的勵誌經典。
海倫·凱勒(Helen Keller 1880—1968)。美國盲聾女作傢、教育傢、慈善傢、社會活動傢。齣生於美國亞拉巴馬州,幼時患病,導緻兩耳失聰,雙目失明。後安妮·沙利文(Anne Sullivan)擔任她的傢庭教師,並從此成瞭她的良師益友。在沙利文的幫助下,海倫·凱勒進入大學學習,以優異的成績畢業於哈佛大學。在大學期間,她完成瞭處女作《我生活的故事》(The Story of My Life)。作品一經發錶,立即在美國引起瞭轟動,被稱為“世界文學史上無與倫比的傑作”,齣版的版本超過百餘種,在世界上産生瞭巨大的影響。她走遍瞭美國和世界各地,積極為殘疾人造福,把自己的一生都獻給瞭盲人的福利和教育事業。1964年,海倫·凱勒被授予美國公民最高榮譽——總統自由勛章。
My Grandmother Keller was a daughter of one of Lafayettes aides, Alexander Moore, and granddaughter of Alexander Spotswood, an early Colonial Governor of Virginia. She was also second cousin to Robert E. Lee.
My father, Arthur H. Keller, was a captain in the Confederate Army, and my mother, Kate Adams, was his second wife and many years younger. Her grandfather, Benjamin Adams, married Susanna E. Goodhue, and lived in Newbury, Massachusetts, for many years. Their son, Charles Adams, was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, and moved to Helena, Arkansas. When the Civil War broke out, he fought on the side of the South and became a brigadier-general. He married Lucy Helen Everett, who belonged to the same family of Everetts as Edward Everett and Dr. Edward Everett Hale. After the war was over the family moved to Memphis, Ten- nessee.
I lived, up to the time of the illness that deprived me of my sight and hearing, in a tiny house consisting of a large square room and a small one, in which the servant slept. It is a cus- tom in the South to build a small house near the homestead as an annex to be used on occasion. Such a house my father built after the Civil War, and when he married my mother they went to live in it. It was completely covered with vines, climbing roses and honeysuckles. From the garden it looked like an arbour. The little porch was hidden from view by a screen of yellow roses and Southern smilax. It was the favourite haunt of hummingbirds and bees.
The Keller homestead, where the family lived, was a few steps from our little rose-bower. It was called "Ivy Green" be- cause the house and the surrounding trees and fences were covered with beautiful English ivy. Its old-fashioned garden was the paradise of my childhood.
Even in the days before my teacher came, I used to feel along the square stiff boxwood hedges, and, guided by the sense of smell, would find the first violets and lilies.
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