世界名著典藏係列:就業、利息和貨幣通論(英文全本) [The General Theory of Employment,Interest and Money] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
(3)The most striking examples of a complete breakdown of stability in therate of interest, due to the liquidity function flattening out in one direction orthe other, have occurred in very abnormal circumstances. In Russia andCentral Europe after the war a currency crisis or flight from the currency wasexperienced, when no one could be induced to retain holdings either ofmoney or of debts on any terms whatever, and even a high and rising rate ofinterest was unable to keep pace with the marginal efficiency of capital(especially of stocks of liquid goods) under the influence of the expectationof an ever greater fall in the value of money; whilst in the United States atcertain dates in 1932 there was a crisis of the opposite kind - a financialcrisis or crisis of liquidation, when scarcely anyone could be induced to partwith holdings of money on any reasonable terms.
(4)There is, finally, the difficulty discussed in section IV of Chapter 11,p. 144, in the way of bringing the effective rate of interest below a certainfigure, which may prove important in an era of low interest-rates; namely theintermediate costs of bringing the borrower and the ultimate lender together,and the allowance for risk, especially for moral risk, which the lenderrequires over and above the pure rate of interest. As the pure rate of interestdeclines it does not follow that the allowances for expense and risk declinepari passu. Thus the rate of interest which the typical borrower has to paymay decline more slowly than the pure rate of interest, and may be incapableof being brought, by the methods of the existing banking and financialorganisation, below a certain minimum figure. This is particularly importantif the estimation of moral risk is appreciable. For where the risk is due todoubt in the mind of the lender concerning the honesty of the borrower, thereis nothing in the mind of a borrower who does not intend to be dishonest tooffset the resultant higher charge. It is also important in the case ofshort-term loans (e.g. bank loans) where the expenses are heavy; - a bankmay have to charge its customers 1 to 2 per cent, even if the pure rate ofinterest to the lender is nil.
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世界名著典藏係列:就業、利息和貨幣通論(英文全本) [The General Theory of Employment,Interest and Money] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載