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唐宋詞的定量分析 [Quantitative Analysis of Ci in Tang and Song Dynasties] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024


唐宋詞的定量分析 [Quantitative Analysis of Ci in Tang and Song Dynasties]

劉尊明,王兆鵬 著


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齣版社: 北京大學齣版社
外文名稱:Quantitative Analysis of Ci in Tang and Song Dynasties

唐宋詞的定量分析 [Quantitative Analysis of Ci in Tang and Song Dynasties] epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2024


唐宋詞的定量分析 [Quantitative Analysis of Ci in Tang and Song Dynasties] epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2024

唐宋詞的定量分析 [Quantitative Analysis of Ci in Tang and Song Dynasties] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024








第一章 唐五代詞壇基本風貌的定量分析
第一節 唐五代詞基本數據的分類統計
第二節 唐五代詞作者隊伍的定量分析
第三節 唐五代詞創作成果的定量分析
第四節 唐五代詞集、詞調的定量分析

第二章 唐五代詞人曆史地位的定量分析
第一節 唐五代詞人曆史地位的數據指標
第二節 唐五代詞人曆史地位的數據統計
第三節 唐五代詞人曆史地位的定量分析

第三章 宋詞繁榮昌盛氣象的定量分析
第一節 創作成果的繁榮豐碩
第二節 作傢隊伍的整齊壯大
第三節 詞調詞體的成熟完備

第四章 宋代詞人曆史地位的定量分析
第一節 宋代詞人六項指標的數據統計
第二節 宋代詞人曆史地位的定量分析

第五章 宋詞作者與作品量的定量分析
第一節 宋詞作者隊伍的定量分析
第二節 宋詞作品數量的定量分析

第六章 宋詞三百經典名篇的定量分析
第一節 數據選擇與數據來源
第二節 數據權重與統計方法
第三節 統計結果與排序列錶
第四節 定量分析與意義探尋

第七章 唐五代金麯《菩薩蠻》格律特徵的定量分析
第一節 唐五代《菩薩蠻》詞作數量的統計
第二節 唐五代《菩薩蠻》平仄運用的考察
第三節 唐五代《菩薩蠻》用韻情況的分析

第八章 宋詞金麯《念奴嬌》的定量分析與定性考察
第一節 《念奴嬌》作品數量的統計與分析
第二節 《念奴嬌》的詞調起源與聲情特徵
第三節 《念奴嬌》的歌詞創作及演進曆程
第四節 結論與思考:本色確認與範式意義

第九章 蘇軾三大詞調創作的定量分析與個案考察
第一節 《浣溪沙》:唐宋小令“第一調”中“第一人”
第二節 《水調歌頭》、《念奴嬌》:宋詞長調中的經典

第十章 曆代詞人次韻蘇東坡詞的定量分析
第一節 曆代詞人次韻東坡詞的作品統計
第二節 曆代詞人次韻東坡詞的定量分析

第十一章 曆代詞人次韻周邦彥詞的定量分析
第一節 曆代詞人次韻清真詞的數據統計
第二節 曆代詞人次韻清真詞的定量分析

第十二章 曆代詞人次韻李清照詞的定量分析
第一節 曆代詞人次韻李清照詞的檢索統計
第二節 曆代詞人次韻李清照詞的定量分析
第三節 曆代詞人次韻李清照詞的審美觀照

第十三章 曆代詞人次韻辛棄疾詞的定量分析
第一節 曆代詞人次韻稼軒詞的檢索統計
第二節 曆代詞人次韻稼軒詞的定最分析

第十四章 溫庭筠詞傳播的曆史考察與定量分析
第一節 唐代歌妓對溫詞的演唱傳播及其意義
第二節 《金筌集》、《花間集》對溫詞的傳播
第三節 曆代詞選傳播溫詞的定量分析與考察

第十五章 周邦彥詞傳播的定量分析及詞史意義
第一節 宋代歌妓的演唱:顯示周詞的當行本色
第二節 清真詞集的編刻:突齣周詞的文學成就
第三節 曆代選本的編選:凝定周詞的曆史地位

第十六章 李清照詞傳播的定量分析與詞史定位
第一節 李清照詞集的編輯及其廣泛流傳
第二節 曆代文獻對易安詞的著錄與傳播
第三節 當代紙質文獻對李清照詞的傳播

第十七章 20世紀唐宋詞研究學術史的定量分析
第一節 成果總覽與曆程掃描
第二節 熱點透視與格局分析
第三節 曆史反思與前景展望

第十八章 20世紀蘇軾、秦觀詞研究的定量分析
第一節 20世紀蘇軾詞研究的定量分析
第二節 20世紀秦觀詞研究的定量分析




唐宋詞的定量分析 [Quantitative Analysis of Ci in Tang and Song Dynasties] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
唐宋詞的定量分析 [Quantitative Analysis of Ci in Tang and Song Dynasties] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
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Jiang Jun Yin mainly talks about the stories in Cultural Revolution. It successfully shapes a series of images, for instance, Peng Qi, as the representative who loves country and party and has a revolutionary image; Jiang Zuizhang, as the representative who is insidious and has a schemer image; Zhao Daming, as the representative who has a spiritual awakening image of young. These characters very typical present a particular type. The emergence of these typical characters, both in the way of shaping and the time significance of character, is worthy discovering and exploring. And when we take a closer look into the fate of a disparate figures written in the book, we can clearly know the author’s true attitude towards Cultural Revolution and foresaw the end of the novel.Jiang Jun Yin mainly talks about the stories in Cultural Revolution. It successfully shapes a series of images, for instance, Peng Qi, as the representative who loves country and party and has a revolutionary image; Jiang Zuizhang, as the representative who is insidious and has a schemer image; Zhao Daming, as the representative who has a spiritual awakening image of young. These characters very typical present a particular type. The emergence of these typical characters, both in the way of shaping and the time significance of character, is worthy discovering and exploring. And when we take a closer look into the fate of a disparate figures written in the book, we can clearly know the author’s true attitude towards Cultural Revolution and foresaw the end of the novel.Jiang Jun Yin mainly talks about the stories in Cultural Revolution. It successfully shapes a series of images, for instance, Peng Qi, as the representative who loves country and party and has a revolutionary image; Jiang Zuizhang, as the representative who is insidious and has a schemer image; Zhao Daming, as the representative who has a spiritual awakening image of young. These characters very typical present a particular type. The emergence of these typical characters, both in the way of shaping and the time significance of character, is worthy discovering and exploring. And when we take a closer look into the fate of a disparate figures written in the book, we can clearly know the author’s true attitude towards Cultural Revolution and foresaw the end of the novel.







Jiang Jun Yin mainly talks about the stories in Cultural Revolution. It successfully shapes a series of images, for instance, Peng Qi, as the representative who loves country and party and has a revolutionary image; Jiang Zuizhang, as the representative who is insidious and has a schemer image; Zhao Daming, as the representative who has a spiritual awakening image of young. These characters very typical present a particular type. The emergence of these typical characters, both in the way of shaping and the time significance of character, is worthy discovering and exploring. And when we take a closer look into the fate of a disparate figures written in the book, we can clearly know the author’s true attitude towards Cultural Revolution and foresaw the end of the novel.Jiang Jun Yin mainly talks about the stories in Cultural Revolution. It successfully shapes a series of images, for instance, Peng Qi, as the representative who loves country and party and has a revolutionary image; Jiang Zuizhang, as the representative who is insidious and has a schemer image; Zhao Daming, as the representative who has a spiritual awakening image of young. These characters very typical present a particular type. The emergence of these typical characters, both in the way of shaping and the time significance of character, is worthy discovering and exploring. And when we take a closer look into the fate of a disparate figures written in the book, we can clearly know the author’s true attitude towards Cultural Revolution and foresaw the end of the novel.Jiang Jun Yin mainly talks about the stories in Cultural Revolution. It successfully shapes a series of images, for instance, Peng Qi, as the representative who loves country and party and has a revolutionary image; Jiang Zuizhang, as the representative who is insidious and has a schemer image; Zhao Daming, as the representative who has a spiritual awakening image of young. These characters very typical present a particular type. The emergence of these typical characters, both in the way of shaping and the time significance of character, is worthy discovering and exploring. And when we take a closer look into the fate of a disparate figures written in the book, we can clearly know the author’s true attitude towards Cultural Revolution and foresaw the end of the novel.





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