《一百零九個春天(我的故事英文版)(精)》為著名外交傢顧維鈞遺孀嚴幼韻女士口述的一本自傳。 嚴幼韻女士齣身於民國年間的大富商傢庭,本人又是復旦大學**批女大學生,是聞名上海灘的復旦校花,她的口述對當時的上流社會生活有生動詳實的描繪。同時,她的兩人丈夫都是中國外交界的先驅人物楊光泩和顧維鈞,因此書中對於當時中國的外交情況,特彆是二次世界大戰期間中國外交官在菲律賓的情況有生動感人的描寫。本書具有較強的可讀性和一定的史料價值。
ABOUT THE NAMES IN THIS BOOK PROLOGUE CHAPTER ONE Childhood 19o5-1918 CHAPTER TWO School Days 1919-1928 CHAPTER THREE Courtship and Marriage 1929 CHAPTER FOUR My First Trip Abroad 1930-1933 CHAPTER FIVE Return to China 1933-1937 CHAPTER SIX Europe Again 1938-I939 CHAPTER SEVEN Prewar Manila I939-1941 CHAPTER EIGHT Wartime Manila 1941-1945 CHAPTER NINE Coming to America 1945-1950 CHAPTER TEN My UN Years 1946-1959 CHAPTER ELEVEN An Eventful Decade, 1949-1959 CHAPTER TWELVE The Hague i96o-i966 CHAPTER THIRTEEN A Happy Life in New York, 1966-1985 CHAPTER FOURTEEN “So Far, So Good” CHAPTER FIFTEEN My Big Family CHAPTER SIXTEEN Facing Forward! ACKNOWLEDGMENTS INDEX
During school vacations I made the three—day, three—night journey to Shanghai, usually traveling on the Wagon—Lits, a luxurious train mainly patronized by foreigners.The train stopped at many towns en route, and at every stop I would lean out of the window to buy the delicacies hawked by the food vendors thronging the platform.I especially remember the delicious roast chicken sold in the Shantung station, the salted duck in Nanking, and the spareribs in Wuhsi.
When I was traveling with my parents, we would go by a China merchant steamship, which served very good food—French cuisine, Chinese style.However, there was always the risk of a rough trip, and to this day I still feel a Little queasy when I see fozegras in aspic.I must have eaten some during one stormy voyage!
During my junior year at Keen I started going out with friends from outside the school, despite my hectic schedule of classes, piano lessons, glee club and sports.The Tientsin social circle was quite small at that time.Its prominent leaders were Miss Lily Tsai and Miss Mary Chu.Miss Tsai had a big house in the French Concession where she held open house, mixing Chinese and foreign guests—quite a novelty in those days.On weekends I would go to Miss Tsai's parties with a group of young friends, among them Emma Kwong and her cousin Alfred, who had just returned from the U.S.with a degree in mechanical engineering.We young people gathered in a part of the house away from the quarter where Miss Tsai hosted the older group, which included Wellington Koo, then China's foreign minister, and the Young Marshal, the dashing son of a Manchurian warlord.
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