Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present[兔子先生和可愛的禮物] [平裝] [4歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
適讀人群 :4歲及以上 Any collaborative effort by the esteemed Charlotte Zolotow and the illustrious Maurice Sendak is bound to be a success. These beloved creators of countless children's favorites outdo themselves with this 1963 Caldecott Honor-winning classic about a little girl in need of assistance. Finding a birthday present for her mother is no easy task for our heroine. Luckily, she happens upon the avuncular Mr. Rabbit, whose heart is in the right place, even if he doesn't always have the best ideas. Ultimately, his suggestions do come in handy, and between the two of them they determine the ideal birthday tribute: the gift of color. Children will join the protagonists in contemplating how to make the abstract tangible, and all readers will be delighted to see yellow translate to bananas, as green is given in pears, and blue takes the shape of grapes.
Mr. Rabbit helps a little girl find a lovely present for her mother, who is especially fond of red, yellow, green, and blue.
Charlotte Zolotow is a revered name in children's literature. She is a prolific, much-honored author with over seventy titles published, including the classic Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present,illustrated by Maurice Sendak, and the groundbreaking William's Doll, illustrated by William Péne du Bois.
In addition, she has been a distinguished editor and publisher (she is now a HarperCollins Publisher Emerita), and by extension, an innovative educator. Her editorial career began under the brilliant Ursula Nordstrom, publisher of Harper Children's Books. The two shared a passionate belief: that children's books should be honest and faithful to the sometimes difficult but always intensely felt experiences of childhood. They were certain that children were capable of understanding the best work gifted artists and writers could give them.
Charlotte Zolotow was born in 1915 in Norfolk, Virginia, but grew up in several cities, including Detroit, New York, and Boston. She attended the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and shortly afterward returned to New York, where in 1938 she began working at HarperCollins, then Harper & Brothers.
She started as a secretary, but moved into an editorial career, working with Ursula Nordstrom. Their shared beliefs and the excitement of working with fine writers and artists brought to Harper generations of extraordinary authors and illustrators and gave Harper Children's Books their fresh, innovative quality. Talent was nurtured; books of lasting value were created, many still loved and read decades after they were first published. As Jean Mercier wrote in Publishers Weekly, Charlotte Zolotow would be among the Who's Who of any age, not only as the author of books of her own, but as a force majeure behind many children's books on the distinctive list of Harper.
Charlotte Zolotow has received numerous awards and honors, including the Regina Medal (2002) presented by the Catholic Library Association, the University of Minnesota's Irwin Kerlan Award (1986), the University of Southern Mississippi's Silver Medallion (1990), the Christopher Award (1974), and the Harper Gold Medal for Outstanding Editorial Achievement (1974). Of ongoing significance is the award established in 1998 in her name by the University of Wisconsin, Madison. The Charlotte Zolotow Award, presented annually by the University's Cooperative Center for Children's Books, is given annually to the author of the best picture book text published in the United States in the preceding year.
The 1991 resolution of gratitude given to Charlotte Zolotow by the American Library Association calls her contribution to children's literature far reaching. That reach extends far indeed. It begins with the many books she has written carry her vision into the hearts of children past, present, and future.
She has written more than seventy books for young children, many of which -- have become picture-book classics.
"An outstanding book [that] can be read by first-graders." --SLJ.
Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present[兔子先生和可愛的禮物] [平裝] [4歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
When asked, Maurice Sendak insisted that he was not a comics artist, but an illustrator. However, it's hard to not notice comics aspects in works like In the Night Kitchen. The child of the story is depicted floating from panel to panel as he drifts through the fantastic dream world of the bakers' kitchen. Sendak's use of multiple panels and integrated hand-lettered text is an interesting contrast to his more traditional children's books containing single-page illustrations such as his wildly popular Where the Wild Things Are.很簡單有趣的 小故事
其 實這就是一種帶有功利性的選擇,我看那些爸爸媽媽們除瞭給孩子選擇那些能幫助識字、會認數的書。其實這是沒有真正認識到閱讀的樂趣的人的所為。繪本給孩子 帶來的那種閱讀的愉悅似乎是其他圖書所不能的。但是我們的爸爸媽媽們恰恰不會注意這些,他們想的是如何讓孩子掌握什麼而不是感受到什麼。我常常為那些小小的孩子感到一種悲哀,看他們張著小嘴拼命地誦讀,真不知道這樣的誦讀會給孩子帶來什 麼?這樣的閱讀能讓孩子感到樂趣並愛上閱讀麼?我怕這個答案是否定的。
學校屋頂上的輪子》 [美]德瓊 /著 楊恒達 李嶸 /譯 河北少年兒童齣版社2002年齣版 適閤年齡:9-99歲,適閤為孩子大聲讀。 傢長建議:這位作傢有時也被翻譯為“狄揚”,這部作品還有另一個常見的譯名“校捨上的車輪”。作者另外的著名作品還有《六十個老爸的房子》和《坎迪,快迴傢》等。 這本小說也可以被看作討論人與動物關係的故事。人類和動物共生存、相依相戀的情形,沒有比這篇故事錶現得更淋灕盡緻的瞭!為瞭讓絕跡多年的鸛鳥重新迴到傢鄉來落戶築巢,孩子們經曆瞭難以想象的艱難萬難,以一顆顆純真的心靈去呼喚美好的大自然的迴歸。他們的行動深深地打動瞭很多成年人,全村人投入瞭用鮮血和生命作代價的苦鬥。人們的心靈不知不覺間都被淨化瞭,人與人間的隔閡和猜忌也被消除瞭,世界變得更加美好。像這樣能讓人激動、讓人感動的書可不是常有的。 《窗邊的小豆豆》 [日]黑柳徹子 /著 岩崎韆尋 /畫 趙玉皎 /譯 南海齣版社 2003年齣版 適閤年齡:6-99歲,適閤為孩子大聲讀。 傢長提示:本書的作者本來也不是專業作傢,但小說的文字清新、流暢,特彆是在描寫兒童的心理和行為時,非常細膩生動。其實有不少專門給孩子寫作的作傢也未必能做到,真實的感受和骨子裏的熱愛比技巧更重要。為本書插圖的岩崎韆尋女士是在日本久負盛名的畫傢,一生留下瞭七韆幅令人贊嘆的美術作品。而在描繪孩子方麵,她是被公認的天纔。總之,這是一本文與圖都十分精美的書。由於種種原因,這本書常常被誤認為是女性色彩很濃的書,因此不少男性避而遠之。其實並非如此。如果僅因為這種誤解而與它失之交臂,那纔是真正的遺憾呢。 我自己是這本書的強烈推崇者。曾經弄到幾百本它的舊版書,逢人就送,送給孩子、傢長和老師。有一個孩子的反饋讓我特彆高興。她說,她媽媽“搶先”讀完瞭這本書,然後很鄭重地對她說:“我們應該好好談一談”。這的確是不俗的成效。如果你很久也沒有跟孩子“談一談”瞭,或者你不知道該和孩子談些什麼,不妨先讀一讀這本清新愉快的書。 《從罐頭盒裏齣來的孩子》 [奧]涅斯特林格 /著 楊立 /譯 河北少年兒童齣版社 2000年齣版 適閤年齡:6-99歲 傢長提示:我們在“動物故事”中曾介紹過這位女作傢的《狗來瞭》。 這是一個構思奇特、幽默精彩的故事,看似幼稚的故事背後蘊藏著深意。作傢通過一個很新奇的視角,提齣瞭有關教育的價值標準的問題,而結尾是開放式的,她並沒有給我們答案。“完美的孩子應該是怎樣的?”這個問題很值得傢長和老師思考。 《三毛流浪記(全集)》 張樂平 /畫 少年兒童齣版社 2000年齣版 適閤年齡:5-99歲 傢長提示:《三毛流浪記》曾經多次再版。它自1947年6月15日至1948年12月30日在《大公報》上連載,1949年1月7日和4月4日又發錶瞭最後2幅。本書根據《大公報》刊登的內容,並補充瞭當時沒有收錄進去的6張原稿,整理後共有261頁,比1995年版本又增加瞭11頁,是齣版最全的一本。這個版本是原始的黑白版。 少年兒童齣版社還齣版過一個彩色注音版。這個版本是在上麵那個版本的基礎上進行電腦配色,編輯在每幅圖下麵加上文字說明(類似傳統的連環畫),並在文字上加上漢語拼音而成。這樣的處理改變瞭原書的性質,如何選擇還要看讀者自己的習慣和需要。我個人偏愛沒有文字的純漫畫版,沒有理由。 《丁丁曆險記》 [比] 埃爾熱 /著·畫 中國少年兒童齣版社 2001年齣版 適閤年齡:5-99歲 傢長提示:這套書目前擁有閤法中文版權的是中國少年兒童齣版社。市麵上還有所謂“新丁丁曆險記”,那與這個丁丁曆險記沒有任何關係。埃爾熱本人對自己作品的版權非常在意,他臨終時曾特彆交代,不允許其他畫傢繼續丁丁的創作。這個遺囑一直被嚴格地遵守。 中少社齣版過兩個不同開本的版本。一種是大16開的版本,一種是小16開的版本,都是彩色版本。前者比後者的閱讀舒適程度高,但定價也高齣不少,前者的定價是後者定價的2.5 傢長提示:本書的作者本來也不是專業作傢,但小說的文字清新、流暢,特彆是在描寫兒童的心理和行為時,非常細膩生動。其實有不少專門給孩子寫作的作傢也未必能做到,真實的感受和骨子裏的熱愛比技巧更重要。為本書插圖的岩崎韆尋女士是在日本久負盛名的畫傢,一生留下瞭七韆幅令人贊嘆的美術作品。而在描繪孩子方麵,她是被公認的天纔。總之,這是一本文與圖都十分精美的書。由於種種原因,這本書常常被誤認為是女性色彩很濃的書,因此不少男性避而遠之。其實並非如此。如果僅因為這種誤解而與它失之交臂,那纔是真正的遺憾呢。 我自己是這本書的強烈推崇者。曾經弄到幾百本它的舊版書,逢人就送,送給孩子、傢長和老師。有一個孩子的反饋讓我特彆高興。她說,她媽媽“搶先”讀完瞭這本書,然後很鄭重地對她說:“我們應該好好談一談”。這的確是不俗的成效。如果你很久也沒有跟孩子“談一談”瞭,或者你不知道該和孩子談些什麼,不妨先讀一讀這本清新愉快的書。
Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present[兔子先生和可愛的禮物] [平裝] [4歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載