語言學教程(第4版)精讀精解 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
廖美珍,華中師範大學外國語學院教授、語言研究所所長、副院長。現為中國語用學協會常務理事。學術方嚮為語用學、話語分析、法律語言學、隱喻研究、翻譯研究。學術代錶理論是“目的原則”和目的分析。發錶作品有“Metaphor as a Textual Strategy in English”,《語言與法律翻譯叢書》等。
第1章 語言學導論(Invitations to Linguistics)
1.1 為什麼學習語言?
1.2 什麼是語言?
1.3 語言的本質特徵
1.3.1 任意性
1.3.2 二重性
1.3.3 創造性
1.3.4 移位性
1.4 語言的起源
1.5 語言的功能
1.5.1 信息功能
1.5.2 人際功能
1.5.3 施為功能
1.5.4 情感功能
1.5.5 寒暄功能
1.5.6 娛樂功能
1.5.7 元語言功能
1.6 什麼是語言學?
1.7 語言學的主要分支
1.7.1 語音學
1.7.2 音係學
1.7.3 形態學
1.7.4 句法學
1.7.5 語義學
1.7.6 語用學
1.8 宏觀語言學
1.8.1 心理語言學
1.8.2 社會語言學
1.8.3 人類語言學
1.8.4 計算機語言學
1.9 語言學的一些重要區分
1.9.1 描寫與規定
1.9.2 共時與曆時
1.9.3 語言與言語
1.9.4 語言能力和語言應用
第2章 語音 (Speech Sounds)
2.1 語言是如何産生的?
2.1.1 言語器官
2.1.2 國際音標
2.2 輔音與元音
2.2.1 輔音
2.2.2 元音
2.2.3 英語語音
2.3 從語音學到音係學
2.3.1 協同發音和標音
2.3.2 標音
2.3.3 音位變體
2.4 音位過程,音位規則和區彆性特徵
2.4.1 同化
2.4.2 插音,規則調整和彆處的條件
2.4.3 區彆性特徵
2.5 超音段特徵
2.5.1 音節結構
2.5.2 重音
2.5.4 聲調
第3章 詞匯——詞素到短語 (From Morpheme to Phrase)
第4章 句法——詞語到篇章 (From Word to Text)
第5章 意義 (Meaning)
第6章 語言與認知 (Language and Cognition)
第7章 語言、文化和社會 (Language,Culture,and Society)
第8章 語言的使用 (Language in Use)
第9章 語言與文學 (Language and Literature)
第10章 語言和計算機 (Language and Computer)
第11章 語言學和外語教學 (Linguistics and Foreign ?Language Teaching)
第12章 現代語言學理論和流派 (Theories and Schools of Modern Linguistics)?
除此之外,還有一些其他因素有助於我們識彆詞。(There are other factors which help us to identify words.)
在所有語言單位中,就其內部結構而言,詞是最穩定的。(Words, concerning of their internal structures, are the most stable of all linguistic units.)一般說來,我們很難重新調整一個復閤詞的內部結構,使之具有一個不同的內部序列。例如,nothingness的語素不能被排列為*nessnothing,後者在英語中是不被接受的;同樣,chairman也不能被排列為*manchair。但在一定程度上,句子成分卻是可以改變次序的。
① 詞也可用作發音單位和書寫單位,像(ⅰ)語音的:/It Is ’wVndKfKl/;(ⅱ)拼寫的:It is wonderful。每一個例子中都有三個詞。然而,在平常說話或書寫中,人們會分彆用以下方式來錶達同一個意思:(ⅰ)語音的:/It Is ’wVndKfKl/;(ⅱ)拼寫的:It’s wonderful。這裏有一個問題:當連音或簡縮式齣現時,如It’s[wonderful],而且它們在說話和書寫確實經常齣現,那麼它們應當看作一個詞還是兩個詞呢?
a. John is a clever boy.
a’. A clever boy John is.
b. The chairman looked at the audience.
b’. The audience looked at the chairman.
(2)相對連續性 (relative uninterruptibility)
所謂連續性,是指即使一個詞由幾個部分構成,中間不能插入任何新成分。(By uninterruptibility, we mean that new elements should not be inserted into a word even when there are several parts in a word.)如disappointment這個詞由三個部分構成:*dis (#) appoint (#)ment,但是這三個部分之間既不可插入任何成分,也不允許在各部分之間有任何停頓(pauses) (*dis appoint ment)。與此相反,在下麵的並列主語(coordinating subject)中,我們可以插入“Jane”這個詞:��
Paul,(Jane) and Rebecca are my classmates.(保羅、(簡)和麗貝卡是我的同班同學。)
有時,在極端的情況下,我們甚至可以在下麵句子中的任何兩個部分之間插入副詞“even”。(In an extreme case, one could insert the adverb “even” between any two parts in the following sentence.)
(Even) Paul (even) didn’t (even) love (even) Jane (even).
(3)最小自由形式(a minimum free form)
這種說法最初是由布龍菲爾德(Leonard Bloomfield)(1933)提齣來的,他提倡(ⅰ)把句子看作“最大自由形式”(the maximum free form),(ⅱ)把詞看作“最小的自由形式”(the minimum free form)。詞是能單獨構成完整語句的最小的單位。(This was first suggested by Leonard Bloomfield. He advocated that(ⅰ) sentence as “the maximum free form”and (ⅱ)word “the minimum free form”.Word is the smallest unit that can constitute, by itself, a complete utterance.)請看下麵對話中的劃綫部分:
例 3-7
—Is Jane coming this evening? (簡今晚來嗎?)
像Hi (嗨)、Darling (親愛的)、Bother (討厭)、shit (屎)等之類的詞語在這種情況下所起的作用相同。關於這種說法還有一場激烈的爭論。反對者認為並非所有像詞的單位都能符閤這個標準,如英語的冠詞a和the,就不能單獨使用。然而支持者則引用瞭下麵一個特殊的例句來說明自己觀點的正確性(It is interesting to note that there is a heated discussion with respect to this statement. Some objects that not all word-like units would satisfy this criterion, as the article a and the in English cannot stand by themselves. But the advocators cite the following exceptions):
—What is missing in a sentence such as“Dog is barking”?
3.2.2 詞的分類(Classification of words)
(1)可變詞和不變詞(variable and invariable words)
詞可以分為可變詞和不可變詞。可變詞可以有形態變化。也就是說,同一個詞會有不同的語法形式,但是該詞的部分保持相對恒定。(Words can be classified into variable and invariable words. As for VARIABLE WORDS, they may have inflective changes. That is, the same word may have different grammatical forms but part of the word remains relatively constant.)
Follow mat
Follows mats
在印歐語係裏,拉丁語和梵語(Sanskrit)的可變詞相對較多,德語次之,英語中最少。(Among Indo-European languages, one could find more variable words in Latin and Sanskrit, less in German, and the least in English.)
所謂不變詞(invariable words)是指since、when、seldom、through、hello等一類的詞,它們沒有詞尾形態變化(inflective ending)。
(2)語法詞和詞匯詞 (grammatical words and lexical words)
詞可以分為語法詞和詞匯詞。那些主要用於建構詞組、短語、從句、復閤從句,甚至篇章的詞稱為語法詞,如連詞、介詞、冠詞和代詞。而那些主要用於指稱物質、動作和質量的詞語是詞匯詞,如名詞、動詞、形容詞和副詞。由於詞匯詞承載瞭語言的主要內容,語法詞把不同的語言片段連接起來,所以詞匯詞又稱為實義詞(content word),語法詞又稱為功能詞(function word)。(Words can be classified into GRAMMATICAL WORDS and LEXICAL WORDS. Those which mainly work for constructing group, phrase, clause, clause complex, or even text are grammatical words, such as, conjunctions, prepositions, articles, and pronouns. And those which mainly work for referring to substance, action, and quality, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, are lexical words. Lexical words carry the main content of a language while grammatical ones serve to link together different content parts, so lexical words are also known as CONTENT WORDS and grammatical ones as FUNCTION WORDS.)
(3)封閉類詞和開放類詞 (closed-class words and open-class words)
語法詞和詞匯詞的差異導緻瞭封閉類詞和開放類詞的區彆。封閉類詞(closed-class word)的成員數目是確定的、有限的。(A word that belongs to the closed-class is one whose membership is fixed or limited.)因此,代詞、介詞、連詞、冠詞等屬於封閉類詞。我們不能隨便增加或減少這類詞。但是,開放類詞(open-class word)的成員數目原則上是無窮無盡的。隨著新觀念、新發明等的齣現,新詞就會不斷地添加到語言的詞匯係統中來。(However, The open-class word is one whose membership is in principle infinite or unlimited. With the emergence of new ideas, inventions, or discoveries etc., new expressions are continually and constantly being added to the lexical system of a language.)實際上,封閉類詞和開放類詞的差彆並不是那麼顯而易見的。介詞雖然屬於封閉類,但在英語中,它卻相對開放。(As a matter of fact, the distinction between closed-class words and open-class words is not quite as clear-cut as it seems. Preposition, though a closed-class, is a relatively open one in English.)像regarding (關於)、throughout (遍及,貫穿)、out of (從……中,沒有)、according to (根據)、with regard to (關於)、in spite of (盡管)、by means of (用……方法/方式)等一類的錶達法現在公認為是介詞或復閤介詞(complex prepositions)。就開放類詞而言,過去被認為是開放類的助動詞在數量上其實是相對封閉的。(In respect of open-class items, auxiliary verbs, used to be treated as open-class words, are relatively closed in number.)
(4)詞類(word class)
上述分類似乎不太精確。比較切實可行的方法是通過分析詞在語言中的語法特徵或者根據其形式上的相似性,如形態變化和分布方式,來給詞分類。這種分類法接近傳統語法的詞類(parts of speech)或句子成分(parts of sentence)。(All the above classification seems to be general. A more practical way is to classify words either by analyzing their grammatical properties, or by grouping them into classes according to their formal similarities, such as inflections and distribution. This is close to the notion of PARTS OF SPEECH or PARTS OF SENTENCE in traditional grammar. )對詞匯進行分類首先是建立在對古拉丁語和古希臘語的分析基礎之上的,但隻分為兩個詞類,有些像現在的主語與謂語。後來,又分成九個詞類,分彆是:名詞、代詞、形容詞、動詞、副詞、介詞、連詞、語氣詞和冠詞。如今,語法中又新增瞭幾個詞類。(The classification was first based on classical Latin and Greek analyses, but only into two classes, something like today’s subject and predicate. Later, nine word classes were established: they were noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection, and article. Today, a few more word classes have been introduced into grammar.)
小品詞起碼包括三種情況:動詞不定式符號“to”(盡管拼寫上它與介詞to相似,但實際上跟介詞to或其他詞類沒有相同的地方);否定詞“not”;短語動詞中動詞後麵的附加部分,(Particles include at least the infinitive marker “to” (even though it has the same spelling form as the preposition to, it really has nothing in common with to or any other word class), the negative marker “not”, and the subordinate units in phrasal verbs.) 如“get by”(過活),“do up”(束起、包好),“look back”(追憶)等。
ⅱ. 助動詞(auxiliaries)
以前,助動詞被當作動詞。由於較為獨特,語言學傢傾嚮於將它們當作一個單獨的詞類,而非動詞(Linguists today tend to define them as a separate word class rather than verbs, owing to their unique properties.)下麵我們比較一下助動詞和其他普通動詞的用法:
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